- The crowd made a mad rush for the exit. 人群疯狂地冲向出口处。
- In those days I was in a mad rush to the top. 在那些年月里,我总是拼命往上爬。
- There was a mad rush to seats on the bus. 公共汽车上乘客疯狂抢占着座位。
- She always leaves things till the last minute,and then does them in a mad rush. 她做事情总是能拖则拖,直到最后一刻才性急慌忙地赶出来。
- This is the Block "bonanza", attracted a number of giant mad rush from China. 这是座“富矿”,引得一批巨头狂奔而来中国。
- Why all this mad rush? 为什麽要这样急急忙忙的?
- Still, in the mad rush to meet deadlines, few vocabularies are designed to withstand the test of time. 但是为了确保最后期限的疯狂冲刺,辞汇表的设计很少考虑能否应付测试阶段。
- As the train was steaming into the 3rd station, the old man got ready for the mad rush. 火车快要进第三站了,老人一切就绪,准备冲刺。
- When hopes of a potential sale dimmed, a quiet Sunday on Wall Street turned into a mad rush. 随着雷曼兄弟被出售的希望渐渐黯淡,周日本该平静的华尔街陷入了一场狂奔。
- Once unviable competitors are gone, there will be a mad rush to replace them by companies -- like mine -- waiting in the wings. 一旦生存能力差的竞争对手都消失了,会有许多翘首以待的公司(如我所在的公司)兴冲冲地去取代它们。
- The already unsettled international markets saw a last mad rush into the US stock markets,causing a sharp drop in the capital available to developing countries. 在已经动荡不安的国际市场上,人们抓紧最后机会疯狂地涌入美国股市,造成可供发展中国家使用的资本急剧下降。
- The already unsettled international markets saw a last mad rush into the US stock markets, causing a sharp drop in the capital available to developing countries. 在已经动荡不安的国际市场上,人们抓紧最后机会疯狂地涌入美国股市,造成可供发展中国家使用的资本急剧下降。
- The rush hour traffic is murder. 交通高峰时间真是难以忍受之事
- She was certain that the young man had gone mad. 她确信那个年轻人已经发疯。
- Etiologic investigation of "mad rush malady" of European eel 欧洲鳗鲡“狂奔病”的病因探讨
- He got mad and pitched into Waller with both fists. 他大怒,挥起双拳向沃勒打去。
- I must have been mad to forget myself like that. 我准是疯了,那样地忘其所以。
- He was ever so sorry. Was she ever mad! 他很抱歉。她非常疯狂!
- The teacher defended her pupils from the mad dog. 那位教师保护了学生们,使其免遭疯狗的伤害。
- I try to get to work before the rush hour starts. 我试图在繁忙时间之前去上班。