- It's the damnedest thing I ever saw. 这是我见过的最奇妙的玩意。
- The damn thing is indestructible. 这鬼东西是搞不坏的。
- Jerry: Uhmmm, you know, it's the damnedest thing, it went away. 杰瑞:额,最尴尬的事情是,我不用(上厕所)了。
- I'll retype the damned thing and mail it. 等我用打字机把那个鬼东西清楚地打出来再寄走。
- I wondered if I should replace the damned thing. 我想是否我该替换掉这糟糕的东西。
- Everett: It was discovered in Egypt by a group of archaeologists. The damn thing has been under our noses the whole time. 这是一群考古学家在埃及找到的。这玩意儿一直就在我们鼻子下面。
- Ben Wade: It's probably cheaper just to let me rob the damned thing. 本维德:这可能比让我去打劫遭到诅咒的事情更加的廉价。
- lt's the damnedest thing. |这就是最见鬼的部分。
- Dad, the damn mongoose got in the garbage again! 老爸,又有只死猫鼬又钻到垃圾里了!
- It’s the same with a car payment. 支付汽车贷款也是这样。
- There's not a damn thing special about any of us. 我们谁也没有一丁点儿人品出众、才能超群的地方。
- Aside: bring back the damn gauntlet! (天之声:收回那些该死的手段!)
- He' s the sort of person I really dislike. 他这种人我真不喜欢.
- Here 's the first dish. Sweet and sour pork . 第一个菜来了,糖醋排骨。
- "Kill that damn thing!" my father exploded. “把那玩意宰了
- There' s the rub / Therein lies the rub. 难就难在这里.
- Nero: Don't ask. Damn thing drives me crzy though. 别问,这该死的东西经常让我抓狂。
- The workmanship 's the best in the city . 做工本市最好的。
- Don't play with that damn thing all the time . 不要一直玩那东西。
- What 's the surcharge on this express parcel ? 这个快邮包裹的额外邮资是多少?