- The redemptive life and death of Jesus. 耶稣救难耶稣为赎回人间罪恶而生、死
- It is a matter of life and death for them. 这事对他们来说是生死攸关。
- life and death of unit 单元生死
- It was a matter of life and death for them. 对他们来说这是生死攸关的问题。
- It was a matter of life and death to them. 对他们来说这是生死攸关的事情。
- Of course this must have priority it's a matter of life and death. 当然这一点必须优先考虑--这是成败的关键。
- It is a matter of life and death to them. 对他们来说这是生死攸关的事情。
- He hold the power of life and death over all of us. 他掌握着对我们所有人的生死予夺之权。
- She is hovering between life and death. 她在生死之间徘徊。
- The life and death of such great man as Laodan was destiny of Nature. Why do we weep for the destiny of Nature? 像老聃这样伟大的人物,他是承天命而来,奉天命而归。对于天命我们又哭哭啼啼的干什么呢?
- Anti-corruption is a serious political struggle concerning the life and death of the Party and state. 汉语原文:反腐败是一场严肃的政治斗争,关系到党和国家的生死存亡。
- Life and death: Life and death of the human life refer to the growth and disaggregation of the flesh-body. 生死:人类生命的生与死是指肉身的生长与解体。
- It is a matter of life and death to me. 那对我是生死交关的问题。
- He will have to bear the heavy responsibility Ruch life and death of all mankind. 他将要负起牵系全人类生死存亡的重任。
- Today's Topica matter of life and death. 攸关生死的事。
- It's the matter of life and death. 这事生死攸关。
- DEATHS Player has suffered quantity deaths of unit. 该玩家损失多少单位时。
- Based on true events, this drams retells the life and death of soldier Barry Winchell, who fell in love with a transgendered nightclub performer. E文水平有限,错误之处请指教 大意为: 基于真实事件,讲述了士兵Barry Winchell的生与死。Barry Winchell爱上了变性夜总会的表演者。
- If was a matter of life and death to them. 对他们来说,这是个生死存亡的问题。
- Nearly two decades after its launch, it beams home new revelations about the life and death of stars and the nature of our expanding universe. 在它发射以后近二十年来,传回了关于恒星的诞生与消亡以及我们更广阔宇宙的新发现。