- Virginia Wert, the groom's mother, said she was present for the wedding ceremony, as was Tremmel's mother, when Tremmel signed the licence application in her intensive care room. 温特的母亲称,当时自己在场见证了婚礼,而阿尔玛的母亲也在重病房里亲眼看着阿尔玛签了婚书。
- To conduct inspection to the premises within 7 working days of acceptance of the licence application for further processing. 凡牌照申请获接纳而可作进一步处理,于7个工作天内派员视察有关处所。
- No joint-signature is accepted for textiles export licence applications. 出口证申请书不能联名签署。
- To arrange Application Vetting Panel meeting with the applicant within 20 working days of acceptance of the licence application for further processing. 凡牌照申请获接纳而可作进一步处理,于20个工作天内安排与申请人举行申请审查小组会议。
- A Liquor Licensing Board has been established to consider liquor licence applications. 政府又成立酒牌局和牌照上诉委员会。
- Licence applications are,initially,submitted to the Registrar of Companies as Registrar of Money Lenders. 所有发牌申请须首先呈交担任放债人的公司注册处处长。
- Licence applications are, initially, submitted to the Registrar of Companies as Registrar of Money Lenders. 所有发牌申请须首先呈交担任放债人注册处处长的公司注册处处长,申请书副本则须送交警务处处长。
- All licence applicants have to undertake a Hazard Perception Test and an on-road test. 所有的驾照申请者都需要进行一个危险感觉测试一个路试。
- Licence applications are,initially,submitted to the Registrar of Companies as Registrar of Money Lenders. A copy is also sent to the Commissioner of Police who may object to the application. 所有发牌申请必须先呈交由公司注册处处长兼任的放债人注册处处长,副本则送交警务处处长。警务处处长可反对发牌申请。
- The former chairman of the Liquor Licensing Board was charged for alleged misconduct in public office over liquor licence applications. 廉政公署落案起诉酒牌局前主席,控告他于处理酒牌申请时,涉嫌身为公职人员行为失当。
- Plumber's Licence Application Registry 水喉匠牌照申请处
- Licence applications are, initially, submitted to the Registrar of Companies as Registrar of Money Lenders. A copy is also sent to the Commissioner of Police who may object to the application. 所有发牌申请必须先呈交由公司注册处处长兼任的放债人注册处处长,副本则送交警务处处长。 警务处处长可反对发牌申请。
- Application procedures and, where applicable, renewal procedures shall be as simple as possible. Applicants shall be allowed a reasonable period for the submission of licence applications. 申请程序和在适用情况下的展期申请程序应尽可能简单。应允许申请者有一段合理的期限提交许可证申请。
- Always keep your driving licence in a safe place. 驾驶执照一定要妥善保管。
- At the end of 1999,the department had issued 556 licences and a further 193 licence applications were being processed. 截至一九九九年年底,该处已签发556个牌照,另有193宗牌照申请正在处理。
- We made an application to the court for an inquiry. 我们曾请求法院调查。
- He grant his neighbour a licence to use his field. 他许可他的邻居使用他的一块地。
- Government official stop the import licence. 政府官员停止这张进口许可证的使用。
- During the year,the AFCD had issued 116 licences and 38 licence applications were being processed. 年内,渔农自然护理署签发了116个牌照,并正处理38宗牌照申请。
- The application has been held up by red tape. 申请被官僚的繁文缛节所耽搁。