- The artistic style of a work lies not only in its linguistic features on the levels of lexis and syntax, but also in its narrative pattern or mode of speech (thought) presentation. 摘要文学作品的文体艺术风格不仅存在于词汇、句法等层面的语言特徵上,而且也体现在叙述模式和人物思想或话语表现方式的特点上。
- It has abundant meanings in both Lexis and grammar. 它表示的词汇意义和语法意义也相当丰富。
- Morphology and syntax of Haitian Creole. 海地克理澳尔语的构词法和语法。
- lexis and syntax 词句法
- Operators are just functions with funny names and syntax. 操作符只是有着有趣名字和语法的函数。
- Some of the common DBI conventions and syntax are listed in the table below. 下面的表中列出了一些常见的DBI约定和语法。
- Lexis and grammar are traditionally thought of as separate strands in EFL teaching and learning. 人们一般把词汇和语法看作是外语教学中两个不同的领域。
- According to the difference in stabilization and catholicity, lexis can be divided into belt lexis, regional lexis, regional lexis and marginal lexis. 根据稳定度和普遍度的差异,词汇可以分为基本层、常用层、局域层和边缘层。
- These advertisements have both the similarities in culture and differentia in diction, lexicon and syntax, meaning, and content. 它们既有文化共性,又在表达习惯、词汇句式、语意重心以及用语内容上呈现出语言文化差异。
- Ambiguity is caused by many reasons, and this article will summarize and discuss those reasons from the aspects of phonetics, lexis and grammar. 产生歧义现象的原因有很多,本文将从语音、词汇和句法三方面对这一现象进行归纳和论述。
- It supports IntelliSense, statement completions, and syntax coloring so that you can easily detect syntax errors. 它支持IntelliSense、语句结束和语法分色功能,使您能够轻松地检测语法错误。
- The author focuses on Aussie lexis and tries to promote our understanding on Aussie English and in addition, to offer more researching entity for English regional variety. 从社会语言学的角度出发,澳大利亚英语同美式英语一样,是英语地域变体的一种,这一点已得到广泛的承认。 在殖民地与后殖民地时期这段历史上,英语进入许多国家,成为被占领国家人民的母语或官方语言。
- Linguistic sketches. Morphology and syntax of West-Indian (English-lexicon based) Creoles. 语言的概略。西印度克理奥尔语的构词法和语法(英语词汇为主)
- Lists changes to the behavior and syntax of control structures from previous versions of Visual Basic. 列出对以前版本的Visual Basic中控制结构的行为和语法的改动。
- Rudalph Carnap (1955), Philosophy and Syntax, Morton White, The Age of Analysis, 212, :. 高广孚(译)(1975);教育分析哲学;:华欣文化中心.
- The IDMI can also do the lexical and syntax analysis when a tool is reading a DDL file. IDMI已用C语言实现并作为FELLOW系统(A Double-metal CMOS Gate Array System of Fudan Univ.;)
- When we during study basic grammar and syntax, also starts study the glossary, lifelong does not stop.... 当我们在学习基本语法和句法的同时,也开始学词汇,终身不停。...
- The Script Area features line numbering and syntax highlighting making it easier to work with scripts. 文本编辑区域标有行号以及语法高亮提示功能以方便工作。
- Abstract: This article points to the fact that in pragmatic translation, much more efforts are called for theoretical study.Focus on the text, lexis and grammar is far from enough and adequate. 摘要:本文认为,实用翻译目前一个主要的问题是理论研究不够,实用翻译批评基本上还停留在词汇语法层面上,急需深入。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。