- Initial Study on the Lethal Equivalent of New Langshan Chicken 新狼山鸡死亡当量的初步研究
- Pot-holes can be lethal for the unwary cyclist. 路上的坑坑洼洼骑车的人一不小心就有致命危险。
- A dime is equivalent to ten pennies. 一角等于十分。
- The dividend pay is equivalent to one quarter of the pretax profit. 所付股息相当于税前利润的四分之一。
- A dime is the equivalent of two nickels. 一角硬币等于两个五分镍币。
- A meter is equivalent to 39.37 inches. 一米相当於三十九点三七英寸。
- lethal equivalent 致死当量
- His reply is equivalent to a refusal. 他的回答等於是拒绝。
- A note equivalent to two whole notes. 二全音符相当于两个全音符的一个音符
- lethal equivalent value 致死等值
- In situation like this, she wish she have a gun or some lethal weapon. 在这种情况下,她真希望自己有一把枪或什么致命武器。
- What is 5 equivalent to in French francs? 5英镑相当於多少法国法郎?
- Don't touch the bottle. It contains lethal chemicals. 不要碰这个瓶子。里面装有危险的化学品。
- He changed his pounds for the equivalent amount in dollars. 他把英镑兑换成等值的美元。
- Here are their lethal poison nippers. 这就是他们致命的毒螯。
- It is unwise to carry lethal weapons. 携带危险的武器很不明智。
- Changing his job like that is equivalent to giving him the sack. 那样调换他的工作等于是解雇了他。
- Pyometra is a potentially lethal uterine infection. 子宫蓄脓是一种可以致命的子宫感染。
- The gesture was equivalent to a flag of truce in civilized warfare. 这个手势相当于文明战争中的停战旗。
- Pot holes can is lethal for the unwary cyclist. 路上的坑坑洼洼骑车的人一不小心就有致命危险.