- The latter is single-fi ber shape in the lengthways direction... 竹原纤维的服用舒适性和抗菌性能优于竹浆纤维。
- The former is bunchy in the lengthways direction, and its transverse shape is irregular ellipse, circular, polygon with cavum. 前者的单纤维横截面呈不规则的椭圆形、腰圆形和多边形,且纤维内有中腔,而竹浆纤维呈锯齿形,截面内分布有很多大小不等的空洞;
- The tables were laid lengthways. 这些餐桌是纵向摆放的。
- In a little while we lost our sense of direction. 一会儿我们就辨不清方向了。
- She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. 她垂下双目以避免对视。
- The signpost points in a westerly direction. 路标指向西。
- Let it be constant rule to scrub the boards the right way; that is lengthways. 地板永远要朝适当的方向去擦,也就是要顺着的方向去擦。
- I'll book you on a direct flight to London. 我将为你预订直飞伦敦的航班。
- Are we going in the right direction? 我们走的方向对吗?
- Stones were flying about in every direction. 石块朝四面八方乱飞。
- He pointed vaguelyin my direction. 他粗略地朝我的方向指了指。
- The play came to life under his direction. 在他的导演下,这出戏演得活龙活现。
- Which direction does your room face? 你的房间面向哪个方向?
- Cut the courgette in half lengthways. 把小胡瓜纵切成两半。
- The ship launched in the direction of Japan. 船起航前往日本。
- He has chosen the most direct route. 他选取了最直的路线。
- Continue in this direction until you see a sign. 一直朝著这个方向走就看见指示牌了。
- Cut the banana in half lengthways. 把香蕉竖着切成两半。
- The wind is in the northwestern direction. 这阵风来自西北方。
- The tables were laid lengthways . 这些餐桌是纵向摆放的。