a permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits
用作名词 (n.)
Give me lots of leeway around the chest. 胸围部分多给我留些余地。
This point is no leeway for dispute. 这一点是没有争论的余地的。
Better to be quiet and leave a little leeway. 还是少说几句,留点余地罢。
We have an hour's leeway to catch the express. 我们还有一小时的充裕时间搭那班快车。
This itinerary leaves us plenty of leeway. 这个旅行计划给我们留有很多自由活动的余地。
Ten days should be a big enough leeway to allow for delays. 把耽搁考虑在内,增加十天时间是绰绰有余的了。
They allow more leeway rather than enforcing leniency, and do not apply directly to the state courts where most drug cases are heard. 他们允许有更多的回旋余地,而不是强制执行宽赦,也不会在有许多毒品犯罪案件要被审理的州法院直接采用。