Three adaptive playout scheduling algorithms, one per-talkspurt based and two per-packet based, are examined for a trade-off between average buffering delay and late loss rate. 针对三种适应性播放时序演算法,包含一个以话务为基础及两个以封包为基础的演算法,在平均缓冲延迟和晚到漏失率之间做取舍衡量。
Herbs with the actions of nourishing blood and expelling wind can enhance the short-term effect of epidermic grafting for vitiligo and decrease the depigmentation rate. 养血祛风为主中药能提高表皮移植术治疗白癜风的近期治愈率和降低远期色素再脱失率。
The changes of the sintering strength index and sintering loss rate of the mixes with different binders and pitches were discussed. 讨论了不同结合剂与不同性质沥青相配合时修补料的烧结强度指数及烧损率的变化。