- kiss one's wife goodbye 吻别妻子
- With his last gulp of coffee, just before he was going to stand up and kiss his wife goodbye, John found something floating in his mouth. 喝完最后一口咖啡,就在准备起身跟妻子吻别时,约翰发现嘴里飘着什么东西。
- Taking one’s wife to Hajj is an aspect of devotion to her, not an obligation. 支付妻子朝觐的费用是对妻子的奉献,而不是义务。
- In Arab countries, men kiss one another on the cheek. 在阿拉伯国家,人们互相亲吻脸颊。
- A spinster is a bachelor 's wife . 怨妇乃旷夫之妻。
- So does Yuri Orlov’s wife Ava Fontaine Orlov. 但是一个生活在孤岛上的人却不可能认识到他是谁。
- Hayes\'s wife was an interesting person, too. 海耶斯的妻子也是个有趣的人。
- Love is a dream; but after one kiss one awakens to find it the truth. 爱情是一场梦;但一吻之后你会醒悟到它是真实的。
- Tom’s wife nags at him all day. 汤姆的妻子一天到晚跟他唠叨不止。
- Doctor"s Wife: The only thing more terrifying than blindness is being the only one who can see. 医生妻子:唯一一件比失明更恐怖的事情是成为唯一一个没有失明的人。
- Forty years ago, for example, footballers would never hug and kiss one another on the field after a goal as they do today. 比如说40年前,足球运动员在攻进一球后绝不会像当今的运动员这样拥抱、亲吻。
- Gimple, you know the rabbi’s wife has been brought to childbed? 吉姆佩尔,拉比的妻子生孩子了,你知道吗
- Forty years ago,for example,footballers would never hug and kiss one another on the field after a goal as they do today. 比如说40年前,足球运动员在攻进一球后绝不会像当今的运动员这样拥抱、亲吻。
- Julia was his eldest step-brother’s wife, and a thorn in his side. 朱丽叶是他异父长兄的妻子,对他来说,也是无法忍受的肉中刺。
- KISS ONE MORE TIME 歌手:Tommy february6专辑:Tommy february6Tommy february6 - KISS ONE MORE TIME 作词:Tommy february6 作曲:MALIBU CONVERTIBLE... 发问时间:2008-06-06发问者:睡美人回答数:2分类:音乐舞蹈
- The year before, that distinction went to president Carter’s wife, Rosalynn. 在那一年前,这项殊荣属于卡特总统夫人罗莎琳。
- You can kiss goodbye to a holiday this year we've no money! 今年你别指望度假了--咱们没钱!
- She always kissed one as if she were sadly and wisely sending one away forever. 她总是这样吻别一个人,仿佛她是在既伤心又懂事地与他永远诀别。
- Bachelor 's wives and old maid ' children are always perfect . 王老五的老婆和老处女的孩子,无一不十全十美。
- Bachelor 's wives and old maid' children are always perfect. 王老五的老婆和老处女的孩子,无一不十全十美。