- Precisely define the key terms you are using. 为你所使用的关键术语下精确定义。
- Key Term Words and Ideas from the Readings in a formal written style. Defines key words and ideas in the home language. In Book and Web site materials. 主要术语在阅读中字和概念是正规的书面形式,用母语定义主要的字和概念。在课本、光盘和网站的资料中。
- This lets you scan the Find Results window for matches found in particular folders or files, or matches on lines of code where some other key term also occurs. 此操作允许您在“查找结果”窗口中扫描在特定文件夹或文件中找到的匹配项,或在同时出现某些其他关键术语的代码行中找到的匹配项。
- Definitio of key term are almost encyclopedic i their length, and those and many other include helpful diagrams, chematics, figures, equatio , and code listings. 主要词条的释义,其长度简直就像百科全书。这些主要词条及其他词条还包括有用的示意图、电路原理图、图片、公式和程序清单。
- In information retrieval,a method of sorting the associated key terms. 在情报检索中,将相关联的检索词区分归类的一种方法。
- In information retrieval, a method of sorting the associated key terms. 在情报检索中,将相关联的检索词区分归类的一种方法。
- Glossary provides definitions of key terms used throughout the guide. 阿词汇提供了关键术语的定义使用指南。
- Various translators have rendered the term ren in many different ways,but none succeeds in bringing out the rich and complex connotations.Therefore,it may be best to leave this key term untranslated. 通过总结分析数种翻译方法的利弊得失,本文认为,为了忠实全面地传达孔子的哲学思想,"仁"最好是不译即用音译。
- This glossary defines key terms that are used in the Visual Studio Team System Help. 本词汇表定义了Visual Studio Team System帮助中使用的关键术语。
- Do you know what these key terms mean? You can check your answers by looking up the terms in the glossary at the end of the book. 你知道这些关键术语的意思吗?通过查询书后的术语表,你可以检查你的回答。·泛型类型
- However, officials here say Pyongyang is complying with key terms of the deal including the permanent disablement of its main nuclear reactor. 在华盛顿的美国官员说,平壤遵守了该协议的主要规定,包括永久终止其主要核反应堆。
- Someone who is new to frameworks might not understand parts of the definition. But understanding a few key terms will make the job much easier. 不熟悉框架的读者可能不能理解这个定义。但是理解一些关键性的术语会使得定义理解起来更容易些。
- To make a better understanding of the book, some columns about teaching method are added: testing your yourself, recapping main points and key terms. 为提高学生对本书的理解,本书加入了一些教学法的专栏:考考你自己,要点重述和关键术语等。
- Definitions of key terms are almost encyclopedic in their length, and those and many others include helpful diagrams, schematics, figures, equations, and code listings. 主要词条的释义,其长度简直就像百科全书。这些主要词条及其他词条还包括有用的示意图、电路原理图、图片、公式和程序清单。
- A new and expanded A-Z of works in the collection, including recent acquisitions, includes entries on over 120 artists and explanations of key terms in art and museology. 一种新的和扩大亚利桑那州的作品收集,包括最近收购,包括条目超过120艺术家和解释关键术语在艺术和博物馆学。
- "Action from norm" and "action from fact" are two key terms representing respectively the civil procedural notions in the Roman law legal system and the Germanic law legal system. “规范出发型”和“事实出发型”是分别作为代表罗马法系和日尔曼法系诉讼理念的关键词;
- You may leave your key at the reception desk. 你可以把钥匙留在服务台。
- He put the key in the lock and turned it. 他把钥匙插入锁里转动。
- I have mislaid my key to the door. 我不知道把门钥匙放到哪里了。
- In sequent search, we can compute the latent similarity between documents and the distributing status of the key terms in the latent semantic structure. 在随后的检索中,就能在该语义结构的基础上,计算出文本和文本之间的潜在相似度,以及重点词汇在潜在语义结构中 的分布情况。