Potassium iron blue of high quality was prepared from pyrite cinders. 以硫铁矿烧渣为原料制备钾铁蓝。
The problem of high iron content in zinc concen-trate can not be resolved by single floatation flowsheet because theiron content of sphalerite contaminated in pyrite is high. 由于东升庙硫铁矿共生闪锌矿的含铁量高,所以采用单一浮选流程不能解决锌精矿铁杂质含量高的问题。
Pyrrhotite is the most common and abundant iron sulphide mineral in mine wastes worldwide. 磁黄铁矿是矿山尾矿堆中最为常见且分布很广的一种硫化铁矿物。
The concentrate from a Yunan high sulfur iron ore has a sulfur content that exceeds that specified in the standard due to the pyrrhotite. 云南某高硫铁矿石因含磁黄铁矿而造成精矿含硫超标。