- Colombian tree; source of Cartagena bark (a cinchona bark). 哥伦比亚树种;卡塔赫那的金鸡纳树种。
- Major Cities: Santa Fe de Bogota, Medellin, Cali, Barranquilla, Cartagena. 主要城市:圣菲波哥大、麦德林、卡利、巴兰基亚、卡塔赫纳。
- The Cartagena protocol on biosafety has a wholly different function. 而卡特赫纳生物安全议定书的功能与以上二者完全不同。
- One, syrup of ipecac, is a fluid that helps the body expel material from the stomach. 第一种是吐根糖浆,这是一种可以帮助身体将胃里物质排出体外的液体。
- A medicinal powder made essentially of ipecac and opium,formerly used to relieve pain and induce perspiration. 由吐根和鸦片制成的粉末状药物;用来缓解疼痛和排汗。
- Be in emetic while, do not give active carbon, lest ipecac Ding is reduced by adsorption,urge say the result. 在给催吐剂的同时,不要给活性碳,以免吐根酊被吸附而降低催吐效果。
- He shook his shadows on the train from Madrid and laid low in the Mediterranean port of Cartagena. 他在一辆从马德里开出的火车上甩掉了盯梢,然后潜伏在地中海港口卡塔赫纳。
- Thus, syrup of ipecac continues to be the treatment most often used in the home. 因此吐根糖浆就继之而成为家庭中最常用的治疗药物。
- In May, Royal Caribbean announced that from next year some of its ships would call at Cartagena, a colonial walled port on the north coast. 今年5月,皇家加勒比海公司宣布,明年起其部分船只将停靠卡塔赫纳(位于哥伦比亚北海岸、殖民时期建造的港口城市)。
- Presidents of five South America countries have ended a two-day meeting in Cartagena. 南美五国的总统在卡特赫纳结束了两天的会谈。
- "Cartagena was an example of driving too close to the limit on the wrong kind of track," he said. "卡塔赫纳的一个例子是驾驶太接近限制错误的轨道,“他说.
- A bitter - tasting crystalline alkaloid, C29H40N2O4, derived from ipecac root and used in the treatment of amebiasis and as an emetic. 依米丁,吐根碱一种苦味的结晶碱,C29H40N2O4,由吐根的根提取而来并用来治疗阿米巴病以及用作催吐剂
- A bitter - tasting crystalline alkaloid,C29H40N2O4,derived from ipecac root and used in the treatment of amebiasis and as an emetic. 依米丁,吐根碱一种苦味的结晶碱,C29H40N2O4,由吐根的根提取而来并用来治疗阿米巴病以及用作催吐剂
- A bitter-tasting crystalline alkaloid, C29H40N2O4, derived from ipecac root and used in the treatment of amebiasis and as an emetic. 依米丁,吐根碱一种苦味的结晶碱,c29h40n2o4,由吐根的根提取而来并用来治疗阿米巴病以及用作催吐剂
- A city of northwest Colombia on the Bay of Cartagena, an inlet of the Caribbean Sea. Founded in1533, Cartagena was once the richest port on the Spanish Main. Population,495, 028. 卡塔赫纳哥伦比亚西北部一城市,位于加勒比海海湾卡塔赫纳湾上,卡塔赫纳市建立于1533年,曾一度是西班牙大陆东北海岸最富庶的港口。人口495,028
- If you take ipecac when you’re overly sleepy and your gag reflex isn’t working well, you can turn a manageable overdose into something much worse. 如果你吃呕根的话,当你过度沉睡时,你的呕吐反射会很糟糕,一个简单的问题被你弄得更复杂了。
- In the third chapter, it points out the main conflicts between WTO rules and Cartagena Protocal, both of wich have close relations with GMOs. 正是基于转基因产品的内在冲突及矛盾,本文将着眼点转向国际贸易条约、协议,试图通过现存的条约及协议进行解决,在第三章,本文阐释了与转基因产品贸易有着密切关系的WTO协议与卡特赫纳议定书之间存在的矛盾与冲突。
- The professional services industry, in good faith for the vast number of visitors Beijing friends to provide special fares to Cartagena. 专业的行业服务,真诚的为广大旅客朋友提供北京到卡塔赫纳特价机票。
- Brothers Darwin, left, and Cesar Cartagena of Federal Way play with laptops at Toys "R" Us in Tukwila, Wash., near Seattle Friday Nov. 27. AP / Stephen Brashear 兄弟达尔文,左,塞萨尔联邦方式与笔记本电脑在玩玩具卡塔赫纳的“R”在Tukwila的,华盛顿州西雅图附近的11月27日星期五。
- A doctor might prescribe a drug to bring your heartbeat back under control and try to induce vomiting with ipecac, pump your stomach or absorb the toxin with ingested charcoal. 医生可能会让你服用药物以恢复正常心跳,并尝试通过吐根、洗胃或通过服用木炭来吸出毒素。