- As the dollar's strength, rising U.S. Treasury yields and a sagging stock market hurt bullion investor sentiment. 因美元走强、特别是美国国债收益率上升,以及股市下跌影响到投资者的情绪。
- But, as we now know, the change in investor sentiment was not wholly capricious. 不是完全反复无常,没有规律的。
- Dissecting investor sentiment in Shanghai is a bit like psychoanalyzing a roulette wheel. 分析投资者在上海的伤感有点像是给俄罗斯轮盘进行精神分析。
- Worries that problems in the sub-prime mortgage market could further delay recovery of the housing markets are also weighing on investor sentiment. 对次级按揭市场中的问题可能进一步延缓房地产市场恢复的担心也会影响投资者的情绪。
- As for the background behind investor sentiment, the author thinks it lies in the defect of institutional arrangement about funds. 至于投资者情绪背后的根源,在于我国封闭式基金制度安排上的缺陷。
- Harsh statist rhetoric, the shareholder dispute at the TNK-BP joint venture and the war with Georgia all hurt investor sentiment earlier this year. 今年年初,来自统计学家的严厉指责,俄罗斯的股东在TNK-BP合作中的纠纷以及格鲁吉亚战争都打击了投资者的信心。
- This is in spite of the recent turnround in investor sentiment for Chinese stocks that has led some to perform badly on market debut. 上述预期是在近期市场投资者对中国股票的人气出现转变之际做出的,这使得一些股票在首日上市交易中表现不佳。
- The long run performance of IPOs is negatively related to the IPO overvaluation, investor sentiment and positive feedback risk. IPO长期表现与上市首日溢价程度显著负相关,与上市首日投资者的狂热情绪以及正向反馈交易的风险显著负相关。
- In European session We expect German ZEW investor sentiment to fall a bit further in December, from what was already a troublingly low level. 在欧洲市场,我们预期12月份德国ZEW投资者信心会进一步下降,尽管目前已经是一个很低的水平。
- S. government auction of 40 billion U.S. dollars of treasury bonds for the biennium, but also to ease the worry about higher borrowing costs for the investor sentiment. 另外,美国政府当天成功标售400亿美元的两年期国债,也缓解了担心借贷成本走高的投资者的情绪。
- Weak data in China , UK Germany PMIs &US manufacturing ISM, combined with subdued public address by Bernanke and Paulson, weighed on investor sentiment. 疲软的中国数据,英国和德国采购经理指数,以及美国制造业ISM指数,再加上伯南克和保尔森的公开讲话,这些都严重打压了投资者的情绪。
- "The data generally pointed to pressure on corporate earnings in coming months and will dampen investor sentiment," Essence Securities analyst Zhu Haibin told Dow Jones Newswires. 安信证券分析师朱海滨在接受道琼斯通讯社采访时表示:“这些数据表明在未来的几个月里企业盈利情况将会面临压力,投资者信心也会受到打击。”
- Yesterday's German ZEW survey of investor sentiment showed the most negative view yet of current conditions, with those taking a gloomy view outnumbering the others by92 per cent. 德国欧洲经济研究中心(ZEW)周二发布的投资者信心调查结果显示,对当前状况的评估达到了迄今最负面的程度,持悲观看法的人数比其余受访者多出92%25。
- The gap narrowed because of a prolonged slump in mainland stock markets until 2005 but has returned with gusto after a rapid improvement in investor sentiment towards the Shanghai exchange. 差距的缩小是由于大陆股票市场持续到2005年的大萧条,但是在投资者对上海证券交易从拾信心后出现了快速回升。
- Overall, the results imply that the investor sentiment of U.S. and U.K. has a spillover effect on the size premium of Japan, and that of U.S. has a spillover effect on the momentum effect of Japan. 因此本研究发现美英两国的投资人情绪对日本规模溢酬具有外溢效果的现象,以及美国的投资人情绪对日本动能溢酬也具有外溢效果的现象。
- This is going to affect investor sentiment towards them for some time”, said Alan Lok with SIAS Research Investment in Singapore. 这在一段时间内将影响投资者对它们的信心”。
- This situation in the US is affecting investment sentiment in Europe, where, additionally, investment and employment are being affected by weakening business confidence. 美国这种情况正影响欧洲的投资意欲。除此以外,欧洲也因为商业信心下滑而影响投资及就业环境。
- Behavior finance and a model of investor sentiment 行为金融学和投资者信念模型
- He could not adequately express his sentiment. 他无法恰当地表达出他的感情。
- There is no place for sentiment in business. 做生意不能感情用事。