- Illustrate sequence, character and the interactive relations of the primary contract activities. 论述序列,性质及主要合约活动的互相关系。
- The interactive relations between land laws and social transformation in rural China are dialectical. 土地法与中国农村的社会变迁存在着互动的辨证关系。
- It has been set up close and important interactive relations between Modem and Contemporary Chinese Literature and postgraduate education. 摘要中国现当代文学学科与研究生教育业已建立了密切而又重要的互动关系。
- The regulation sets a positive model in state tax collection while it leaves room for improvement owing to its own inadequacy and its interactive relations with other laws and legal systems. 新规定对于保障国家税收收入将起到积极的规范作用,但应看到仍存在法律规定的不足及与其他法律制度的融合问题,需要进一步加以完善。
- Studying the establishment of this Association may offer a direct exemplification to illustrate the interactive relations among Chinese and foreign banks in the tripartite situation of modern Shanghai banking. 考察中外银钱业联合会的筹建过程 ,可为揭示近代上海中外银钱业在三足鼎立格局中的互动关系提供一个直接例证
- The author makes a comparison between three Chinese versions of American novel Gone With the Wind with the reference to the sociolinguistic theory of the interactive relations between the language change and social change. 本文参照社会语言学中有关语言变化与社会变化相互关系的理论,对英文文学作品《飘》的三个不同时期的译本做了比较分析,试图从中探究20世纪以来现代汉语变化的轨迹,并根据这一轨迹深入探究其变化的原因。 比较在词汇和句子两个层面进行,分成三个方面,分别是历时语言变化、共时语言变化和译者个人不同风格技巧。
- An enterprise will effectively formulate and implement its multinational business strategy accordingly on the base of better understanding the essential principles, interactive relations and decision making framework of the strategy. 企业从这种战略管理的基本原理出发 ,在充分了解跨国经营战略实质与内涵的基础上 ,全面掌握跨国经营的框架类别和表现特征 ,以及各种跨国经营战略间的相互关系和作用 ,从而有效制定企业自己的跨国经营战略
- The relation of literary subject in the reception's theory is the interactive relation between producer and consumer, or communicator. 接受理论视阈下的文学主体之间形成的是交流对话者,生产者与消费者的互动关系。
- Then mis part exposes the interactive relation between city transformation and reconstruction of subdistrict community's administrative organization. 此部分还揭示了我国城市变革要求街道社区管理组织重构,街道社区管理组织重构进一步推动城市变革的互动关系。
- It is evident that they have a kind of interactive relation, and the media is the most active one, releasing news to arouse people's interest. 这三者间是相互刺激和推动的。媒体在其中是最活跃的,每分钟都在发布新闻和消息,能够刺激人们的兴趣。
- The interactional relations influenced by the change of extraction steam were also analyzed. 对二次再热机组抽汽间相互作用的特性进行了分析。
- The interactional relations between soil phosphatase and external contaminants need to be further researched in environmental applications. 土壤磷酸酶与各种污染物的相互作用关系在环境中的应用方面还需进一步研究。
- Mother and baby interact in a very complex way. 母亲与婴儿以非常复杂的方式相互影响。
- By this, further analyzes the state power and the village society's interaction relations, the exploration state power seeps to the village society's ways. 以此,进一步分析国家政权与乡村社会的互动关系,探索国家政权渗透到乡村社会的方式和途径。
- Relations were slow to normalize after the war. 战后国际正常关系恢复缓慢。
- The two countries have severed their relations. 这两个国家已经断绝关系。
- All things are interrelated and interact on each other. 一切事物互相联系并互相作用。
- They listened to his discourse on human relations. 他们听他作关于人际关系的演讲。
- Race relations is a sensitive issue. 种族关系是敏感的问题。
- The psychotherapy is carried out in small interactive groups. 这种心理治疗是在一起活动的小组之间进行的。