- On the adjoining page we hand you an indent for various line, which please ship at once. 我们已将委托购买的各种商品在附页列明,请立即发运。
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。
- Herewith we have pleasure in hand you an indent for immediate shipment of100 bales of al merino wool. 兹寄上本公司的订单,请立即发运100包一等品美利奴羊毛。
- indent for purchase 购买委托书
- You should always indent for your office requirements well in advance. 办公室所需用品你应该及早提出申请。
- Interested parties may approach the Museum Shop for purchase. 个别人士如欲购买博物馆刊物,可于馆内礼品店选购。
- Links are always provided for purchase or free viewing. 链接也提供了购买和免费阅读。
- So Lee Durrant overnight two days in a row queue for purchase. 所以李小姐连续通宵两天排队等候购房。
- The domain namenis perhaps for purchase or coope tation. 此域名可能随时准备转让或合作!
- You can locate goods and services for purchase online. 您能在网上找出所要购买的物品和服务。
- Remember to indent for a fresh supply of order cards at the beginning of very month. 记住每月初申请新定货卡。
- On the adjoining page we hand you an indent for various lines, which are please shipped at once. 我们已将委托购买的各种商品在附页列明,请立即发运。
- In any case,the goods must eventually be moved to the right place for purchase. 不论何种情况,商品最后都必须被运到合适的购买地点。
- Herewith we have pleasure in handing you an indent for immediate shipment of 100 bales of al merino wool. 兹寄上本公司的订单,请立即发运100包一等品美利奴羊毛。
- A new item is available for purchase on this level is called a Star Potion. 本关出现了一样新的物品供大家购买:星星药剂。
- On the adjoining page we hand you an indent for various lines, which are please shipped at once . 我们已将委托购买的各种商品在附页列明,请立即发运。
- Tickets to WWDC are available for purchase through the Apple Store online. 学生开发者可以通过加入WWDC学生奖学金计划参加WWDC。
- Also used by bored amateurs as the next thing to covet for purchase. 同时也被无聊的爱好者作为下一个购买目标。
- It is a more convenient way to pay for purchases. 这是支付货款的一种比较方便的手段。
- Is there an official requisition for purchases? 有否正式采购申请书?