- She was in an agony of indecision. 她陷于犹豫不决的痛苦之中。
- He stood outside the door in an agony of indecision. 他站在门外,不知如何是好,非常难受。
- She waited in an agony of suspense. 她在悬念的煎熬中等待着。
- She danced about the room in an agony of joy. 她大喜若狂,不禁在房间里跳起舞来。
- Alice jumped up and down in an agony of terror. 阿丽思跳上跳下吓得要命。
- Elizabeth was in an agony of apprehension. 伊丽莎白处于一种极度的忧虑中。
- Mary was in an agony of deciding to marry or not. 玛丽正为结不结婚的事而苦恼。
- The cat sat in front of the bird cage in an agony of frustration at being so near and yet so far. 猫无可奈何地坐在鸟笼前,眼看着鸟儿近在咫尺,可怎么也够不着。
- She is in an agony of grief,because her husband has just died. 她因丈夫刚去世而极为悲伤。
- For forty-eight hours, Hayward lived in an agony of indecision. 海沃德足足有四十八小时坐卧不安,拿不定主意。
- The cab crawled along, and she was in an agony of impatience. 马车轱辘轱辘朝前驶,她心急如焚。
- He awaited in an agony of suspense the rattle of the musketry. 双方列阵以待,牧师先生焦灼地等待着火枪开火。
- In an agony of suspense and fear, I waited for the verdict. 我在悬疑和恐惧的痛苦中等待着判决。
- She sat in an agony of impatience which affected every feature. 她坐在那儿,不耐烦到了极点,这在她的所有表情中流露出来了。
- She is in an agony of grief, because her husband has just died. 她因丈夫刚去世而极为悲伤。
- He's in an agony of worry over the baby, and he feels she let him down. 他为了孩子而忧心如焚,而且他认为她误了他的大事。
- He was in an agony of remorse. 他处于悔恨的海洋中。
- He was standing beside antonio, in an agony of distress and fear for his friend. 他正站在安东尼奥旁边,替他的朋友捏着一把汗,十分痛苦。
- The multitude looked on with bated breath, the father in an agony of hope and fear. 众人屏息在旁观看。那父亲则在希望与惧怕交织的剧痛之中。
- Being in an agony he prayed more earnestly. 在苦楚中他祈祷更切