A couple of weeks later the first ice appears, the hydrofoil service is suspended and Nikolaevsk will not see another boat until early June. 几周之后水面就会开始结冰,届时水翼船的航班就会暂停,尼古拉耶夫斯克在翌年六月上旬前就不会再有船舶光顾了。
The hydrofoil soon speeded up. 那艘水翼船不久就增加速度。
The hydro craft floated over the water. 水翼艇在水面漂流。
To fully enjoy hydrofoil paddling, you will need flat water and a nice tail wind. 想要充分领略滑行水翼艇的乐趣,平静的水面和顺风是必不可少的。