- hot wire response 热线响应
- The hot wire is caused by overload. 电线发热是由于过载造成的。
- Seasoned crooks can hot wire a car in seconds. 手段高明的窃贼可在几秒钟内用电启动来发动汽车。
- The liberation of electrons from a hot wire is called thermionic emission. 电子从热灯丝逸出,叫做热电子发射。
- Applying TIG hot wire process, It is applied to continuous joining production line of tubes in boiler industry. 采用TIG热丝焊接工艺,主要应用于锅炉行业直管加长焊接生产线。
- The simulation results agreed with the experimental results of hot wire anemometer and particle image velocimetry (PIV). 模拟结果与采用热线风速仪以及激光粒子成像技术(PIV)测定的实验结果基本吻合。
- The transient hot wire method is used to measure the thermal conductivities of CuO nanofluids at the different ovlume fraction and temperature. 介绍了运用瞬态热线法测定不同体积份额、不同温度下水-氧化铜纳米流体的热导率。
- Lefty hot wired the car and used it for an hour or two. “左撇子”用点火器电线短路方法发动了汽车,然后连续开了一两个小时。
- Boundary layer characteristics at the trailing edge of a tiltrotor blade model were measured using a flattened pitot probe and a single hot wire. 本研究以二体势能函数建立一套接触式原子力显微镜定力模式之模拟奈米级量测模型。
- Thermal ignition temperature was defined,the thermal ignition process of electric hot wire initiating devices was divided as calefactive phase and explosion phase. 定义了热点火温度,将桥丝式电火工品的热点火过程分为升温阶段和爆炸阶段。
- Report, the airline cited their dissatisfaction with the performance of A380 passenger aircraft, including the hot wire, cabin fittings, such as missing and the engine flaw. 报告中,航空公司列举自己对A380客机性能的不满之处,包括电线发烫、客舱配件缺失和发动机瑕疵等。
- Abstract: Thermal ignition temperature was defined, the thermal ignition process of electric hot wire initiating devices was divided as calefactive phase and explosion phase. 文章摘要: 定义了热点火温度,将桥丝式电火工品的热点火过程分为升温阶段和爆炸阶段。
- The axial velocity and its RSM are measured by constant temperature hot wire anemometer and the average recirculation velocity is measured by dynamical pressure probe. 并用热电偶测量了温度场分布规律,按热平衡基本原理计算了混合气流在各点的浓度分布。
- Experimental study using hot wire anemometer is carried out for the vaned diffuser of a centrifugal compressor.The flowfield data are taken and reduced. 五.;建立了进行级环境下扩压器内部流场实验研究的数据采集和处理方法,并用热线风速仪进行了测量;
- Mixed gases are further separated to single gas by the multipl e gas hromatograph columns,then they are detected with a new sensitive hot wire gas detector. 带延迟毛细管的复合色谱柱达到了理想的分离度;新型热线型气敏传感器灵敏且对数线性度好;
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- The hot weather has soured the milk. 炎热的天气使牛奶变酸了。
- Deforming tools for larger dimensions such as drawing and pressing dies, deep drawing tools, hot wire rolling, cutting rings, cutting die plates, drawing rings, circular knives, calibrating rolls, inserts for cutting and punching techniques, paper knives. 大尺寸的变形工具,比如冲压模、深拉工具、热轧轧辊、环刀、切削硬模盘、拉环、圆刀盘、校准轧辊、冲压和切削技术的衬垫、裁纸刀。
- In view of its virtue of high degree of electron and ion generations, hot wire assisted hot wire assisted the microwave electron cyclotron resonance (MWECR) CVD is expected to deposit device quality a-Si:H at high deposition rate. 热丝辅助微波电子回旋共振化学气相沉积(MWECR CVD)方法具有电子和离子产生率高等优点,能在较高的沉积速率下获得器件级质量的a-Si:H 薄膜。
- By solving an inverse heat conduction problem, one method is developed for the estimation of the temperature of a hot wire embedded at the center of a cylinder based on infrared temperature-measuring. 摘要利用红外测温技术,结合导热反问题求解,给出了一种根据加热圆柱体外壁温度红外监测反推圆柱体中心轴线上热导线温度的方法。