- historical process of nature 自然历史过程
- The development of human society is a historical process of advanced productive forces replacing the backward ones. 人类社会的发展,就是先进生产力不断取代落后生产力的历史进程。
- This is the initial stage of the long historical process of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. 社会主义初级阶段,是整个建设有中国特色社会主义的很长历史过程中的初始阶段。
- In the historical process of new rural construction, we must play the important role of the villager autonomy. 在新农村建设的历史进程中,必须充分发挥村民自治的重大作用。
- The historical process of the struggle of hostile forces is replaced by the evolution of Bolshevism in a vacuum. 由敌对力量的斗争所构成的历史过程,被用布尔什维克主义在真空中的演化来偷换了。
- His translated poems were canonized in the historical process of interaction of ideology, poetics and patronage. 意识形态、诗学和赞助人等文化因素的互动促进了胡适译诗经典化的历史过程。
- The progress of human rights is an important aspect of the social development of all countries,and it is a historical process of continuous advance. 人权的发展是各国社会发展的一个重要方面,是一个不断前进的历史过程。
- The historical process of the human society is the course that the mankind struggles with various natural calamities too to a great extent. 人类社会的历史进程在很大程度上也是人类同各种自然灾害斗争的过程。
- The will that we express and the commitments that we make here should help push forward mankind's historical process of combating climate change. 我们在此表达的意愿和做出的承诺,应当有利于推动人类应对气候变化的历史进程。
- Their religion is a cult of nature and of elemental forces, in process of development to polytheism. 这是一种正向多神教发展的自然崇拜与自然力崇拜。
- Oresme's graphic representation of intensity of qualities is a key step in the process of nature's mathematization. 摘要奥雷斯姆关于质的强度的图示法是自然数学化的关键一步,奥雷斯姆本人也因此被看作解析几何的先驱。
- The truth of history, science and technology relations is a historical process, in the process of science and technology in part or full separation of state separation. 历史的真实是,科学与技术的关系是一个历史的过程,在此过程中科学和技术处于部分分离或者完全分离的状态。
- Of course, the author is to demonstrate to our readers to see this historical process of scientific achievements, but also to see the scientific shortcomings. 当然作者就是要通过向我们展示这个历史过程要读者看到科学的成就,也看到科学一些缺点。
- The formation of college campus culture is an internalized process,and that of excellent college campus culture is a historical process of conscious accumulation. 校园文化的形成过程是一个内化的过程。优秀校园文化是一个历史积累的过程,是一个主动建设营造的过程。
- Man's return to himself in the light of humanistic spirit is a struggling release from shackles of dehumanization in the process of nature remaking. 这种回归以其强烈的人道主义精神挣脱着人类在改造自然的同时套在自己身上的种种非人化枷锁。
- The historical process of social and economical development of human being makes it clear that the real-estate industry is the forerunner and underpinning to the national economy. 人类社会经济的发展历程表明,房地产业是国民经济中的先导性、支柱产业和基础产业,随着我国工业化和城市化进程的加快,其先导性和支柱性更显突出。
- The practice develops without limit in the infinite area of nature, and the history is the process of human's perceptual activity. 实践在自然界存在的无限范围内无限地展开,而历史乃是人通过人的感性活动而生成的过程。
- It is a leap in the process of cognition. 这是认识过程的一次飞跃。
- Mao ZeDong and Deng XiaoPing are two great personages who played important roles in the great historical process of China's reentering into the international society respectively. 毛泽东和邓小平是中国重新走向国际社会这一伟大历史进程中两个发挥了重要作用的伟人。
- The text of nature, relatively to the subject (the writer), is the process of from "Concept-intuitiveness" to "Re-concept-intuitiveness". 对彼岸性表达的主体而言,自然的文本化是从“观念-直觉性”到“再观念-直觉性”的过程。