- There is a chronic unemployment problem in America. 在美国存在长期失业问题。
- hidden unemployment problem 潜在失业问题
- They contribute to hidden unemployment. 他们属于隐蔽的失业的一部分。
- The country has a chronic unemployment problem. 这个国家长期存在失业问题。
- On the heels of unemployment problem came a slump. 失业问题之后,紧接着又发生了经济不景气。
- We have a set of measures to tackle the unemployment problem. 这两部分人都面临就业的问题。
- The unemployment problem has raised its ugly head once more. 失业问题再次形成一种威胁。
- I didn't realize the unemployment problem was all that critical. 我原来不知道这儿的失业问题这么严重。
- These countries are beset by a chronic and serious unemployment problem. 这些国家长期存在着严重的失业问题。
- You have your unemployment problems and all that. 你们有你们的失业等问题。
- They'd huddle in the big cities, where there's still an unemployment problem. 他们一定都会挤在大城市里;那里已经存在着失业问题啦.
- Government's discrimination has led to unemployment problem among Uyghur. 由于政府的歧视政策,造成维吾尔人就业困难。
- The key to resolving the unemployment problem lies in creating more job opportunities. 解决失业问题的关键,是要千方百计创造就业岗位。
- Marx and the economists in thewest such as Keynes and Freedman had discussed the unemployment problem in the course ofblazing a new trail. 马克思和西方经济学家凯恩斯、弗里德曼从不同的角度阐释了创新过程中的失业问题。
- "disguised unemployment; concealed, covert, hidden unemployment" 隐性失业;变相失业;潜在失业
- It is therefore urgent to solve the unemployment problem, and of great significance both in theory and practice to do research in landless farmers' business constraints. 从目前情况来看,解决城市化带来的众多失地农民就业的最佳途径是自主创业。
- Navigation is difficult on this river because of the hidden rocks. 因为河上有暗礁,所以在这条河上航行很困难。
- These mills will definitely lose money,but at least they can continue to operate instead of posing serious unemployment problem to the economy (steel industry is typically labour-intensive). 这些钢铁厂肯定会亏损,但最少它们可以继续营运,而且不致于带来严重的失业问题(钢铁工业极为劳动密集)。
- The penalty clause was hidden in the small print. 惩罚条款印在不起眼的小号字体部分。
- The castle was hidden behind a curtain of smoke. 城堡被一层烟雾遮掩着。