- hidden fault structure 隐伏构造
- Aiming at the linear time invariant system,a characteristic value was proposed and the prediction error of RUL was analyzed under some assumptions for system structure and hidden fault. 针对线性时不变系统构造了预测特征量,并分析了在一定的系统结构假设和故障假设下的剩余有效寿命预测误差。
- The same grade terrace height beside the river is surveyed at almost the same level, proved that the hidden fault under the river never moved after. 经测量河流两侧相对应的同级阶地面处在相同的高度上,证明自晚更新世大凌河三级阶地形成以来位于大凌河床底部的隐伏断裂没有过活动。
- Who can discern his errors? Acquit me of hidden faults. 诗19:12谁能知道自己的错失呢.愿你赦免我隐而未现的过错。
- Psalms 19:12 Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults. 诗篇19:12谁能知道自己的错失呢?愿祢赦免我隐而未现的过错。
- The gold metallogenesis is closely related to fault structure and magma activity of Himalaya epoch. 该带金矿成矿与断裂构造、喜马拉雅期岩浆活动关系密切。
- Fault structure can be both recharge area and discharge area of groundwater for the formation of in-situ sandstone-type uranium deposit. 断裂构造在地浸砂岩型铀矿的形成过程中既是地下水的补给区,也是地下水的排泄区。
- Any errors in the request detected will invalidate the entire request,and cause a dispositionReport to be generated within a SOAP Fault structure (see appendix A). 请求中发现的任何错误都会使整个请求无效,并生成一个SOAP Fault结构(参见附录A),在该结构中包含了dispositionReport结构。
- Any errors in the request detected will invalidate the entire request, and cause a dispositionReport to be generated within a SOAP Fault structure (see appendix A). 请求中发现的任何错误都会使整个请求无效,并生成一个SOAP Fault结构(参见附录A),在该结构中包含了dispositionReport结构。
- Duhuangling gold deposits occurred in the quartz diorite(porphyry)of Late Yanshan Epoch,the deposits are directiy controlled by EW trending fault structure zone. 杜荒岭金矿赋存于燕山晚期的石英闪长(斑)岩中,严格受近EW向断裂构造带控制。
- The distribution of the gold deposits in Qinghai province is mainly controlled by four sub belts of mineralization and fault structure along NWW EW trending. 青海省岩金的分布受四个成矿亚带控制,分布上呈现九个矿化集中区。
- Hidden Fault Analysis with Gas Chromatography 浅析气相色谱法分析潜伏性故障
- Finding of a Hidden Fault and Suggestion 一起事故隐患的发现及建议
- Activity Research for the Dalinghe Hidden Fault 大凌河隐伏断裂活动性研究
- The Wulashan gold-bearing ore veins are located in late Archean Wulashan group high grade metamorphic area (mainly at amphibolite facies, even to granulite facies),and controled by Wulashan fault structure zone. 乌拉山含金矿脉赋存于晚太古界乌拉山群高级变质岩区(变质程度以角闪岩相为主,可达麻粒岩相),受控于乌拉山断裂构造带。
- Based on prospecting results,ore body occurrence and major ore-controlling factors such as fault structure,mineralizing concentration rules are analyzed,and scheelite deposit prospecting... 另外,在该矿床现有勘查成果基础上,结合矿体空间产出特征和断裂构造等主要控矿因素,剖析了该矿床钨矿化富集规律,进一步明确了杨金沟地区白钨矿床的找矿远景和方向。
- Diapiric and strike-slip faulted structures are also discussed. 也讨论底辟和走向滑移断层构造。
- This paper discusses, the advantages of evaluating the complication degree of fault structure by using fractal theory,then evaluates the complication degree of fault structure of Huolinhe coalfield. 文中论述了应用分形理论评价断裂构造复杂程度的优越性,并对霍林河煤田的断裂构造的复杂程度进行了评价。
- Navigation is difficult on this river because of the hidden rocks. 因为河上有暗礁,所以在这条河上航行很困难。
- The penalty clause was hidden in the small print. 惩罚条款印在不起眼的小号字体部分。