- has no effect up onvt. 没有影响(对 ... 无效)
- have no effect up onvt. 没有影响(对 ... 无效)
- Gender have no effect on calibration. 性别对校准没有显著影响。
- When the Mobile Stealth System is active, radar signals are dampened.This effect causes units linked to the Deceiver to not show up on enemy radars.This has no effect on optical sensors, however. 当移动隐形场启动时;雷达信号被屏蔽.;这会使所有和欺骗者相联系的部队不出现在敌人的雷达上;但是欺骗者无法欺骗敌人的光学探测器
- IL-1 and/or IL-2 have no effect on CFU-GM of ABM. IL - 1和 (或 ) IL - 2对激活骨髓的 CFU- GM水平无明显影响。
- But it will have no effect on socialism. No effect. 但是对社会主义是没有影响的。没有影响。
- Loop is the one that should have no effect on performance. 循环应当对性能没有影响。
- Thumb-sucking might have no effect on baby's teeth early in life. 婴儿早期吮拇指对牙齿没有影响。
- Such curvature has no effect on wettability. 这种曲度对润湿性并无影响。
- Students have no choice But to mug up on it if they want to progress further. 英文不好的学生只好破釜沉舟,硬着头皮把英文搞好。
- Such assignment will have no effect on the obligor without notice thereof. 未经通知,该转让对债务人不发生效力。”
- My expostulation(s) had no effect. 我提出的劝告毫无作用。
- HB genotypes had no effect on the iremia profiles. 乙肝基因型对病毒表达谱无影响.
- The cheerless surroundings had no effect on her. 令人泄气的环境对她毫无影响。
- To have no effect or impact; to make no impression. 毫无效果;一无所成。
- The victim had no chance when four or five thugs ganged up on him. 当四、五个暴徒联合起来攻击那个受害者时,他就没有任何反抗的希望了。
- Setting this property will have no effect. 设置此属性将不会产生任何作用。
- Changing viscocity has no effect on meter accuracy. 改变层湍流并不影响线。
- Has no effect on these controls. 对这些控件没有影响。
- But if he comes from the West, do not get up on your housetops to see because he will have no mercy. 但是如果他从西方来,不能起床看见你的屋顶因为他没有了慈悲。”