- They were the deeds of a hardened criminal. 这一切是一个惯犯干的。
- The hardened criminal is a gone coon. (这个惯犯是个不可救药的家伙。)
- The public was outraged when the hardened criminal was released from prison. 那个屡教不改的惯犯从监狱里释放时,公众感到愤慨。
- He locks eyes with inmate Darrell Grimwood, a hardened criminal who says the boy has to pay for looking at him. 女子有兴趣买入死者的游艇,并与男友一同登船。女子表示男友意外地枪击死者,男友却把一切推在女子身上。
- This hardened criminal of the worst kind is to be executed in this isolated room. 这名罪大恶极的惯犯将在这间隔离室被执行死刑。
- To interrogate this hardened criminal, you have to squeeze every word out of him. 审问这个惯犯就跟挤牙膏一样。
- We should not be softhearted towards hardened criminals. 对怙恶不悛的犯罪分子不能心慈手软。
- We should not be softhearted toward hardened criminals. 对怙恶不悛的犯罪分子不能心慈手软。
- The warden believes in segregation of first offenders from hardened criminals. 监狱看守员认为得隔离初犯与累犯者。
- IN THIS ARTICLE: Can hardened criminals meditate their way to a better future? 本文简介:怙恶不悛的罪犯能够沉思冥想他们通向更加美好未来的道路吗?
- They were hardened criminals(= they showed no regret for their crimes). 他们都是死不悔改的罪犯。
- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他们向警方告发他是罪犯。
- Even murderers and the most hardened criminals can change and overcome the conditioning that led them to their crimes. 即使是杀人犯和最残忍的罪犯,都可以改变和克服促使其犯罪的情境。
- Society does not know how to deal with hardened criminals(= people who regularly commit crimes and are not sorry for what they do). 社会不知道怎样处置惯犯。
- The hungry criminal came out of his hiding place. 饥饿的罪犯离开了他的藏身之所。
- The criminal disposed of the witness to the crime. 罪犯将他犯罪的目击者杀死了。
- The police disarmed the criminal. 警察缴下了罪犯的枪械。
- The lineament of the criminal has been found. 罪犯的特征已经找到了。
- Before its closure in 1997, Pentridge prison was Australia's most notorious jail. It housed hardened criminals and murderers and was the site of the country's last hanging in 1967. 潘特里吉监狱在1997年关闭之前,是澳洲最恶名昭彰的监狱。狱中关有惯犯与谋杀犯,是澳洲1967年最后一次执行绞刑的场所。
- Life in the camp had hardened him considerably. 军营生活使他变得坚强多了。