In high school, I carried equipment for the Razorback band just to get into the games. 高中时,我替野猪队的表演乐队搬运设备纯粹是为了能进去看比赛。
In China, Demag crane company has customers all walks of life for a lot of outstanding lifting handling equipment, customer satisfaction is our driving force. 在中国,德马格起重机械公司已为各行各业的用户提供了大量性能优异的起重搬运设备,用户满意就是我们的动力来源。
ALE appeared to be slow in deploying the equipment from the trailer. 机场执法部门似乎从卡车上装卸设备较为缓慢。
Operators of cargo handling facilities should conduct employment screening of prospective employees. 货物装卸设备的操作人员应该对有希望被雇佣人员进行筛选。