"gave grudging consent"
"grudging acceptance of his opponent's victory"
petty or reluctant in giving or spending;
"a niggardly tip"
用作形容词 (adj.)
If Mr Assad's hard line at home has earned grudging respect, so has his firmness in foreign relations. 如果巴沙尔的强硬路线在国内获得了不大情愿的尊重,那么他在外交关系上的也会如此。
For as long as the world economy was growing fast, financial markets commanded grudging allegiance. 在世界经济发展迅速的时候,金融市场得到了勉强的忠诚。
But even the latter give him grudging respect, and you'll notice they're careful not to challenge him openly. 但即便是后者,也往往会给他们哪怕是勉强的尊重,你会发现他们一般不会在公开场合攻击天蝎。