- Growing point is the key to the development of pedagogical theory. 生长点是教学论发展的关键问题。
- Who can tell us where the growing point of the plant leaf is? 哪位同学能说出植物叶子的生长点在哪里?
- The subjectivity is the growing point of the modern pedagogical theory which is based on Marxist philosophy. 以马克思主义哲学为理论基础的现代教学论,生长点是主体性。
- The output of products with high content of science and technology develops rapidly,representing as a new economic growing point. 科技含量较高的产品产量快速增长,已逐渐成为一个新的经济增长点。
- The process of blending of Confucianism and Shinto is that of nationalization of Confucianism in Japan, and during the process, the growing point of cultuore was born. 儒学与神道的结合过程也就是儒家文化的日本本土化过程,在这一过程中产生了新的文化生长点。
- Does exists any new game rule to stimulate a new grown point? 能否创新?能否突破?能否用新的游戏规则来创造新的增长模式?
- It is necessary, inevitable and advantageous for us to make the subjectivity as the growing point of the modern pedagogical theory. 把主体性作为现代教学论的生长点,具有必要性、然性和优越性。
- The output of products with high content of science and technology develops rapidly, representing as a new economic growing point. 科技含量较高的产品产量快速增长,已逐渐成为一个新的经济增长点。
- Root tip were short and thin,the growing point were only made up of few organized cells, cells of root cap were large but few. 叶脉维管组织发育不良,导管分子数目少,木质化程度低,根尖短而细,生长点仅由少数具分生能力的细胞组成,根冠细胞大,但数量少。
- China has had the largest number of tourists in Asia, had the largest tour mar-ket, tourism has become a new growing point of national economy. 我国现已成为亚洲第一位旅游接待大国,拥有世界上最大的旅游市场,旅游业已成为国民经济新的增长点。
- Zhang Kejia's poetry could be considered as the new growing point of Chinese modern poetry and Zang Kejia was its founder and trail-blazer. 这些成就,使臧诗成为中国特色新诗的新起点,臧克家就是中国特色新诗新起点的奠基者和开路人。
- Apical meristem The actively dividing cells constituting the growing point at the tip of the root or stem in vascular plants. 顶端分生组织:位于维管植物的根尖和茎端具有分裂能力的细胞。
- The precision of stock cotyledon direction orientating which the device of identifying stock growing point performs is tested by means of the technique of image processing. 运用图像处理技术,对蔬菜嫁接机器人的砧木生长点识别系统,进行了砧木子叶方向定位的准确性的试验。
- The experiment shows that this grafting robot for vegetables can success to orient stock growing point and cut one of stock cotyledons and growing point precisely. 试验表明,该蔬菜嫁接机器人能够准确定位砧木生长点,并可完整切削砧木生长点和单片子叶。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- Detail of young leaves and growing point; many leaves reduced to bare midrib or narrow green corrugated residue of lamina; youngest leaves and growing point brown and dead; large green stipular lamina around crown. 缺锰甘蓝的“鞭尾症:关键在于嫩叶和生长点,许多叶片露出中脉或缩小成绿色波状的薄层残留,心叶和生长点变褐并死亡,顶部周围有大量绿色长有托叶的叶片。
- They are located in tissues (the apical meristems) at the growing points of roots and stems. 它们位于根和茎的生长点组织(顶端分生组织)中。
- At this point your logic is at fault. 在这一点上你的推理是错误的。
- In her courtyard, there grow pointed peppers, carrots, onions and other vegetables. 她家的院子里种满了尖椒,胡萝卜,洋葱等蔬菜。