- The party groomed him as a presidential candidate. 党培训他当总统候选人。
- groom a presidential candidate 推荐总统候选人
- What's the difference between a presidential candidate and an overworked clerk? 总统候选人与工作过度的办事员的区别是什么?
- Neither man is widely mooted as a presidential candidate, at least not yet. 三人中没有一个能引起广泛的作为总统候选人的讨论。
- IT IS a cardinal rule of French politics that a presidential candidate must know how to caress a bovine bottom with aplomb. 法国政坛的一项基本规则就是总统候选人必须知道如何挥洒自如地爱抚牛屁股。
- In France Nicolas Sarkozy, a presidential candidate, railed this week against debt-led corporate raiders. 在法国,总统候选人尼古拉斯萨科奇在本周严厉指责借贷式的“企业狙击手”。
- The number of "Muddling on the streets" of the United States can be a presidential candidate? 有多少“街头混混”可以成为美国总统候选人?
- As you negotiate the chaos of a Kampala roundabout, it is not unusual to see a presidential candidate smiling back at you. 当你行走在坎帕拉曲折的小路上,发现总统的候选人正在背后向你微笑,别惊讶,这一点都不特别。
- "Not since Bobby Kennedy has there been such an extensive Precinct Captain operation for a presidential candidate in California. “不自鲍比肯尼迪有这样一个广泛的派出所队长的运作,为总统候选人在加利福尼亚州” 。
- As a presidential candidate, Mr.Obama expressed “serious concerns about the environmental implications” of mountaintop mining. 作为一个总统候选人,奥巴马先生表示“严重关切山顶采矿对环境的影响”。
- One can easily get the impression that an Ivy-league credential has become almost essential these days for being a presidential candidate. 于是,人们容易有这样的错觉,如果想要成为总统候选人,常春藤联盟学校的本科毕业证书才是通行证。
- Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., answers a question during a presidential debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y., Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2008. 10月5日,在纽约某地的某大学,美国民主党总统候选人奥巴马(图左)在第三轮总统竞选辩论中正在回答问题,他的对手是共和党总统候选人麦凯恩(图中)。
- That newspaper cast a slur upon the statesmanship of the presidential candidate. 那报纸对这位总统候选人的治国才能表示轻蔑。
- Next year is a presidential year. 明年是总统选举年。
- He was elected presidential candidate. 他被选为总统候选人。
- Its main function is to choose a presidential candidate from the aspirants. After the Presidential Candidate is chosen, he is allowed to choose his running-mate, a candidate for the Vice-Presidency. 它的主要功能是从争取人中选择总统候选人。选出总统候选人之后,他有权可以选择他的竞选队友,以及从其他候选人中选择副总统。
- A presidential candidate waiting in the wings 在台上後侧等候的总统候选人
- A presidential candidate,election,policy 总统候选人、选举、政策
- And how much is a presidential suite for a night? 那总统套房是多少美元一个晚上呢?
- A presidential candidate, election, policy 总统候选人、选举、政策