- This commune run factory turns out various kinds of agricultural implements. 这家社办工厂生产的各种各样的农具。
- His government runs the press and jails opponents. 他的政府掌握着媒体的喉舌和国家暴力机关。
- Along with the mine natural resources dry up,scale of mining and mill run maladjustment,most of mill run factory often be face with a ctuality of demand exceeds supply. 随着矿山资源的萎缩枯竭,随着采选比例的失调,选矿厂常面临原矿供不应求的现状。
- What is needed is a monopolistic company, perhaps government run, that can be trusted to provide safe food to the public at an affordable price. 我们需要的是一个垄断企业,可能是政府运作的可以信赖的企业,为公众提供安全可靠的食品,并且价格是公众可以支付得起的。
- Plot Outline: After being abducted by extra terrestrials, Jean and her friends are committed to a top secret government run mental institution to undergo tests and be brainwashed. 在被外星生物绑架后,琴和她的朋友被送到一个政府的秘密精神治疗机构忍受测试和洗脑.
- After being abducted by extra terrestrials, Jean and her friends are committed to a top secret government run mental institution to undergo tests and be brainwashed. 在被外星生物绑架后,琴和她的朋友被送到一个政府的秘密精神治疗机构忍受测试和洗脑.
- He hasn't much experience in running factories. 他没有多少管理工厂的经验。
- We must study their experience in running factories. 我们必须研究他们管理工厂的经验。
- During recessions, the federal government runs a budget deficit to stimulate the economy. 在经济衰退期间,联邦政府利用预算赤字来刺激经济。
- There are robots that run factories by themselves, robots that make parts for other robots, even robots that make sushi. 有些机器人可以管理工厂,有的为其他机器人制造配件,甚至有的还可以制作寿司。
- It's a pity the Swedish Match Trust isn't going to run factories in this country, otherwise I might co-operate with them. 可惜瑞典火柴托辣斯不想在中国办厂,不然,我倒愿意跟他们合作。
- In the eyes of lecturer, vote and taxation are different issues. When people deny to vote, the government runs too, but not taxing, it doomed. 但在演讲者的眼里,投票与纳税是不同的两码事。当人们不投票时,政府依然可以运作,然而,当人们不纳税时,政府也就寿终正寝了。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- Because man is limited, finite, and bound by his creatureliness, governments run by men must of necessity also limit their activities. 因为人被限制、规范于他被造者的身份,由人所组织的政府就必须也要限制其权力范围。
- Most of the things the hacker culture has built do their work out of sight, helping run factories and offices and universities without any obvious impact on how non-hackers live. 黑客文化建造的大多东西都在你看不见的地方发挥着作用,帮助工厂、办公室和大学正常运转,表面上很难看到它对非黑客的普通人的生活的影响。
- Over the past eight years, around 1m Taiwanese business executives, who form much of the island’s moneyed managerial class, have moved to China to run factories there. 在过去的八年里,约有一百万台湾企业界人士把工厂搬到了中国大陆,而台湾有钱的管理阶层大部分由他们构成。
- Over the past eight years, around 1m Taiwanese business executives, who form much of the island's moneyed managerial class, have moved to China to run factories there. 在过去的八年里,约有一百万台湾企业界人士把工厂搬到了中国大陆,而台湾有钱的管理阶层大部分由他们构成。
- Over the past eight years, around 1m Taiwanese business executives, who form much of the island’s moneyed managerial class, have moved to China to run factories there. 在过去的八年中,有大概一百万的台湾商业总监移居中国大陆设厂经营,而这部分人构成了台湾最主要的掌管财富阶层。
- Job creation has become an imperative for the government. 创造就业机会是政府必须做的事。
- The government answerable to the people. 政府应为他的人民负责。