- He gives lessons to those black children. 他给那些黑人孩子上课。
- How are you going to give lessons to little kids? 你打算怎么样给小朋友上课?
- How many days do you give lessons in a week? 你一周上几天课?
- Need to say the carrot food value former I giving lessons today. 今天上课前我要讲一讲胡萝卜的营养价值。
- My work in Pyongyang is to give lessons and answer the question. 我在平壤的工作就是讲课和回答问题。
- The teacher from the British Royal Ballet College is giving lessons to kids. 英国皇家芭蕾舞学院的老师在教学生跳舞。
- Mr. Robert gave lessons in English in a university. 罗伯特先生在一所大学里教授过英语。
- Many schools give lessons to children as part of their athletic program. 许多学校给孩子们上游泳课,把它作为体育课程的一部分。
- The boy stopped at home while his mother gave lessons. 妈妈上课时,这孩子被撂在家里。
- He is the black sheep in his class, for each time when the teacher is giving lessons, he will make it in disorder. 每次都把课堂搅得乱糟糟,当然就可以被叫做。
- All new students are given lessons in/on how to use the library. 所有新生都要上如何利用图书馆的课。
- After this, she wrote a memoir of narrating her experience for giving lessons to princess Your Highness. 此后,她又撰写了叙述自己在为公主殿下授课的经历的回忆录。
- This is your first day giving lessons in this school, so you should leave the students a good impression. 你头天去这所学校上课,要给同学们留下一个好印象。
- As a teacher, one should pay attention to one's manner when giving lessons in class. 作为一名教师在课堂上要时刻注意自己的教态。
- Who has ever witnessed a scene in the zoo where the caretaker was giving lessons to caged animals? 有谁见过动物园中,管理的动物给被囚的动物开班授课的镜头?
- We give lessons on grafting, transplanting, training and caring for ornamental plants. 我们传授嫁接、移植、整枝和养护装饰植物的课程。
- Her father was an old unmarried professor of mathematics, a brutal man and a braggart, who went out to give lessons in spite of his age. 她的父亲是个性情粗暴、爱吹牛的老数学教师,从没正式结过婚,虽然上了年纪,却还靠替人补课度日。
- Acheson is a good teacher, giving lessons free of charge, and he is telling the whole truth with tireless zeal and great candour. 艾奇逊是不拿薪水上义务课的好教员,他是如此诲人不倦地毫无隐讳地说出了全篇的真理。
- On the first day when I was giving lessons to my students, they introduced themselves and most of them said that they were TV fans! 在我的学生上第一堂的课的时候,他们都做了自我介绍,其中很多人都说他们是一个电视迷!
- We opened Diamond Mountain Stables in 1983. I began competing professionally, but also giving lessons and conducting clinics and camps. 我们在1983年开办了“钻石山”赛马训练场。我开始参加职业比赛,还讲课、理诊所和组织野营。