- SNA summarized U.N. 1993 the abbreviate that Ceng Shengwen SNA is English of national account system, our country general interpreter is system of national economic accounting.Board of U. 联合国1993年SNA概述曾声文SNA是国民帐户体系英文的缩写,我国一般翻译为国民经济核算体系。
- The Penn State researcher, howeer, cautions on making general interpretations from the study. 然而研究人员对研究结果的解释非常谨慎。
- The Penn State researcher , howeer, cautions on making general interpretations from the study. 然而研究人员对研究结果的解释非常谨慎。
- Gunner Jones was praised by the general. 炮手琼斯受到了将军的表扬。
- Launched in 1977, each successive generation interprets the ethos of the series anew. 自从1977年推出到现在,每一款新车都淋漓尽致的诠释了BMW 7系车的高贵气质。
- Please give me a general idea of the work. 请告诉我这项工作的梗概。
- My general impression was that it was quite good. 大致上我觉得那相当好。
- Microspar structures, so far, are enigmatic of Precambrian, and generation interpretation is still to go. 由于缺乏现代相似沉积物,臼齿构造碳酸盐岩的成因还是一个谜,需要进一步研究和探索。
- The general decided to fly up to see his soldiers. 将军决定飞向北部去看看他的士兵们。
- Yet even a generous interpretation of the facts cannot quite dispel the impression of nepotism. 但是,不管怎样放宽来解释这件事,还是免不了给人一种任人唯亲的感觉。
- Mr Powel has marked out a general course of action. 鲍威尔先生已经拟定了一个总的行动计划。
- The general has taken the helm of the states. 这位将军掌握了国家领导权。
- He was appointed the general consul of Japan. 他被任命为驻日本的总领事。
- The study shows that Hemingway endowed the novelette with a deeper and more abstract theme than what the critics have generally interpreted. 本文认为,海明威赋予这部小说的主题意义远比目前评论界所挖掘的更为深刻与抽象,即这部作品中包含着一种人与自然相互依存、对立统一的思想。
- He was exalted to the position of general manager. 他被提升到总经理的职位。
- The proposal was met with general acceptance. 这建议得到普遍的赞同。
- In the army, the general takes rank of the colonel. 在军队里,将军较上校有优先权。
- The general effect of the painting is overwhelming. 这幅画给人总的印象是很有气势。
- In Anglo American law system,subjective good faith has existed without any dispute for a long time,generally interpreted as "unawareness" and exceptionally,"conviction". 在英美法系 ,主观诚信未受争议地长期存在 ,一般被理解为“不知” ,个别被理解为“确信” ;
- The general's speech infused keenness into the men. 将军的演讲给人们注入了激情。