- This opportunity to avoid a formal adjudication of wrongdoing is often a major incentive for the respondent to settle. 这一避免正式裁断不法行为的机会常常是鼓励被告采纳和解的主要来源。
- Section 556(b) requires that an ALJ preside at the taking of evidence in a formal adjudication, unless one or more of the agency heads personally conduct the hearing. 该法第五百五十六条第三款要求行政法法官在正式裁决中主持证据的采纳,除非一个或更多的机关长官亲自进行听证。
- The APA seeks to resolve this tension by defining a limited class of agency staff members who may not consult with decisionmakers in a formal adjudication. 《行政程序法》试图通过限定一类在正式裁决中不得与决策人磋商接触的机关职员以解决这一紧张关系。
- The APA does not directly deal with the right to intervene in formal adjudication, and the standards for intervention set forth in pertinent agency statutes and rules of practice are usually vague. 《行政程序法》没有直接涉及正式裁决里的介入权,而有关的机关法规和活动规则所规定的介入标准通常又含糊不清。
- The Federal Communications Commission, for example, is required to hold a "full hearing"-a formal adjudication under the APA before refusing an application for a broadcast license. 例如,有关规定要求联邦电信委员会在拒绝一项广播许可证的申请之前举行"充分听证"--根据《行政程序法》规定的正式裁断。
- An adversary decisionmaking process like formal adjudication depends upon the litigating parties to gather and present relevant evidence, and to challenge the evidence introduced by other parties. 诸如正式裁决的对抗性决策取决于诉讼当事人的相关证据的收集和呈递及对对方当事人提出的证据的质疑。
- In 1976, however, the APA was amended (90 Stat. 1247) and now contains detailed provisions governing ex parte contacts in formal adjudications. 然而在 1976年,《行政程序法》经历了修正( 《美国全文法令集》第90章,第1247条),如今,该法载有详尽的条款控制正式裁断中单方面的接触。
- Yet stringent prohibitions on the appearance of prejudgment in formal adjudications could make it difficult for administrators to perform their nonjudicial functions adequately. 然而苛刻的禁止正式裁断中的预断的现象有可能使行政官员难以充分履行他们的非裁断性质的职能。
- Even when the statute does plainly require formal rulemaking, the APA permits some departures from the procedures used in formal adjudications (described at pp. 242-95 supra). 即使法规的确明白地要求正式的规则制定,《行政程序法》也允许一些偏离正式裁断中利用的程序的作法(在第七章讨论过)。
- A common problem for agencies that conduct formal adjudications is determining when a proposed decision will have such a substantial collateral impact on parties other than the respondent that they must be given notice and an opportunity to be heard. 进行正式裁决的机关所面临的一个共同的问题是:什么时候建议中的决定将对有关当事人而非被告产生实质上的附带影响,对此,机关应给予他们以通知并向他们提供听证的机会。
- We were invited to a formal luncheon. 我们被邀参加一次正式的午宴。
- He cast his last remark in more formal wording. 他用更正式的措词表达了最后一句话。
- Don't you be so fucking formal with me. 别你他妈的对我这么一本正经了。
- The letter is written in formal style. 这封信是用正式文体写的。
- Modern life trends towards less formal customs. 现代生活倾向于较少拘泥于客套习俗。
- The job does not require any formal training. 做这种工作不需要任何正规训练。
- I'm composing a formal reply to the letter. 我正写一封郑重其事的回信。
- She is not used to the formal mode of address. 她不习惯于这种正式称呼。
- The letter was formal in its wording. 此信措辞正式。
- Official documents are written in formal register. 官方文件是以正式语体写成的。