- Creates a file as though the user invoked a new file command from the UI. 创建一个文件,如同用户从用户界面调用“新建文件”命令一样。
- Check the "New File Command" or "Add New Solution Item Command" topics for the correct syntax. 检查“新文件命令”或“添加新解决方案项命令”主题中的正确语法。
- You can also get to the File command by going to the Project menu, point to Add, and then click File. 还可以通过转到“项目”菜单,指向“添加”,然后单击“文件”来转到“文件”命令。
- Selecting the From File command brings up a screen to select a media file, as shown in Figure 9. 选择From File命令将显示一个屏幕,用于选择一个媒体文件,如图9中所示。
- For example, the command that displays the New File Dialog Box appears in Keyboard, Environment Options as a child of the File command. 例如,显示New File Dialog Box的命令作为File命令的子级出现在“键盘,环境选项”中。
- This error generally occurs when an unknown template name has been entered for the New File command, File.NewFile, or for the Add New Solution Item command, File.AddNewSolutionItem. 该错误通常发生在向新建文件命令File.;NewFile或添加新解决方案项命令File
- To group the file commands, such as open, new, and save, you could simply leave eight pixels between the file command buttons and other groups of buttons. 要将文件操作的命令(比如打开、新建和保存等)分成一组,你可以在文件操作组和其他组之间留上8个像素的间距。
- An identification record for a tape or disk file. 磁带或磁盘文件的标识说明记录。
- I saw the policemen file away a moment ago. 刚才我看见警察排成一列纵队出发了。
- The rank and file do not like the decision. 工会普通会员不喜欢这个决定。
- I need another file for my letters. 我还需要一个存放信件的夹子。
- Put these letter in the unsolved cases file. 将这些信件放入未破案件卷宗内。
- File away the letters carefully, please. 请将这些信件仔细归档。
- The organization of data within a record or file. 记录或文件内的数据组织形式。
- The police kept a file of missing vehicle. 警察留有丢失车辆的档案。
- You can't copy your file with this disc; it's full. 你不能用这张磁盘拷文件,这张盘满了。
- Where's the file of our recent correspondence? 我们近期的信件卷宗在哪里?
- You can't copy your file with this disk; it's full. 你不能用这张磁盘拷文件,这张盘满了。
- Here's our file on the Middle East. 这是我们关于中东的案卷。
- A file of passengers were coming down the steps. 旅客鱼贯走下阶梯。