- failure to follow instruction 违反操作程序
- Pilot error, to wit failure to follow procedures, was the cause of the accident. 飞行员的失误,即没有遵守操作程序,是事故的原因。
- Candidates shall be responsible for any consequences that may arise from their failure to follow the registration rules. 考生注册违反考试规定或由于任何其他原因无法遵守报名规定,自行承担可能引起的后果。
- Failure to follow such commentary could constitute an incorrect application of the guidelines, subjecting the sentence to possible reversal on appeal. 不按照这些注释的行动可能导致指导方针的不当适用,从而致使在量刑要求上发生颠倒。
- Apart from causing uneven friction material transfer, failure to follow the correct bed-in procedure can also lead to distortion (change in shape) of new discs. 新的盘子忽略遵循正确的磨合过程也会导致扭曲(改变形状);造成部分的摩擦材料不平整的转换.
- To follow the process of work instruction. 按照作业指导书的程序工作。
- He ascribed his failure to bad luck. 他把失败归于运气不佳。
- She spend a lot of money to follow the fashion. 为赶时髦她花费了不少钱。
- The areas which attracted substantial numbers of complaints were related to negligence or omission, disparity in treatment, unfairness, delay, error, wrong decision, lack of response to complaints, failure to follow procedures and rudeness. 投诉最多的事项包括疏忽职守或不作为,厚此薄彼,处事不公,延误,出错,决定错误,没有就投诉做出回应,不按程序办事,以及无礼。
- The failure to read a bit of stored information. 信息遗失不能读出一部分存储信息
- I want to follow up this subject. 我想继续研究这个问题。
- He laid his failure to his lack of experience. 他把失败归咎於缺乏经验。
- Failure to obey orders on a ship is mutiny. 在船上不执行命令就是哗变。
- Trinket was a bright sort of lad, but not the type to follow instructions to the letter, or learn something thoroughly according to the rules. 韦小宝人虽聪明,但要他循规蹈矩,一板一眼的练功,却说什么也不干。
- I impute his failure to laziness. 我把他的失败归咎于他的懒惰。
- Hearing problems such as deafness or glue ear can make it hard for a child to follow instructions and make them appear inattentive. 癫痫大发作或轻度癫痫会削弱儿童的注意力,使他们变得思睡,癫痫症也可导致行为异常和知觉异常。
- Surrey scored only200 runs and had to follow on. 萨里只得了200分,只好继续击球。
- The areas which attracted substantial numbers of complaints were related to negligence or omission,disparity in treatment,unfairness,delay,error,wrong decision,lack of response to complaints,failure to follow procedures and rudeness. 投诉最多的事项包括疏忽职守或不作为,厚此薄彼,处事不公,延误,出错,决定错误,没有就投诉做出回应,不按程序办事,以及无礼。
- Listen carefully so as to follow the teacher. 要仔细听才能听懂老师讲的课。
- He said he regretted their failure to reach an agreement. 他说,他很遗憾,他们没能达成协议。