- external rotation in flexion 屈曲位外旋
- To explore the effect of reconstruction of the posterior capsule and short external rotators in prevention of postoperative posterior dislocation. 摘要目的探讨后方软组织重建对降低髋关节置换术后关节后脱位的预防作用。
- Objective To explore the effect of reconstruction of the posterior capsule and short external rotators in prevention of postoperative posterior dislocation. 目的探讨后方软组织重建对降低髋关节置换术后关节后脱位的预防作用。
- The rotation in the elliptic is retrograde. 在椭圆内的运动属于逆进型。
- Following items in rotation in Hong Kong? 轮流读出下列各项?
- We can replace this by plaster with the arm in flexion. 我们可以用石膏来替代它,把上臂固定于屈曲位。
- internal rotation in flexion 屈曲中内旋
- Barley,oats and rye were planted in rotation in this field. 这块地轮种大麦、燕麦和黑麦。
- flexion(in)abduction and external rotation 外展、外旋并屈曲
- Do you know how to detect the differential rotation in our Sun? 你可知道如何证实较差自转?
- external rotation in extension 伸展位外旋
- The results showed that the stability with Halifax Clamp was greater than that of the intact state in flexion, extension and lateral bending, but the same asin axial rotation. 本文研究表明:(1)Halifax椎板夹能够在前屈、后伸和侧弯运动方向上加强节段的稳定性,恢复节段的轴向旋转运动的稳定性;
- This cannot elucidate the effects of dynamic external rotation on the repair, which is a common postoperative motion. 它不能阐明其对于动力性外旋(修复术后常见运动形式)的效应。
- This picture cannot be rotated in the Wizard. 无法在向导中旋转这张照片。
- flexion, abduction, external rotation, and extension 屈曲、外展、外旋和伸展
- Seven astronauts rotate in the heavens. 七位宇航员,旋转在天上。
- Conclusions.The TFAS allowed considerable motion in all directions tested, with ROM being less than the intact in flexion and lateral bending, and greater than the intact in axial rotation. 结论:TFAS固定允许在所有测试方向的较大的活动,与正常状态相比关节活动度在前屈和侧弯时较小,在轴向旋转时较大。
- The STAGE flips and rotates in all directions! 舞台可以从任意角度升降、旋转!
- The limited external rotation of the fibula during injury by the superior tibio-fibular syndesmosis comprise to the high level fibular fracture. 上胫腓联合对腓骨外旋的限制及膝关节在损伤时所处的屈曲角度共同参与了高位腓骨骨折的产生。
- The infraspinatus/teres minor had the largest moment arms in external rotation, and the subscapularis had the largest moment arm in internal rotation. 在臂内旋时,肩胛下肌的力臂值最大,而臂外旋时冈下肌/小圆肌的力臂值最大。