- experienced middle managers 有经验的中层管理者
- Department heads are classified as middle managers. 部门经理被划分为中层。
- Middle managers are endlessly sucking up to those bosses. 中层管理者们一直在讨好那些老板。
- They are good nurses, teachers, secretaries, general practitioners, librarians, middle managers, and housekeepers. 他们是好护士、老师、秘书、一般开业者、中阶主管、以及管家。
- Highly qualified middle managers, in acutely short supply a year ago, are now widely available because of layoffs. 才能出众的中层管理人士一年前还炙手可热,而现在却遭解雇、随处可见。
- LAST POSITION HELD: Target for middle management hostility. 最后担任的职位:中等管理阶级的目标。
- Recent surveys in the United States have concluded that middle managers regard two out of three of their bosses as inadequate. 美国最新的研究得出结论,中级经理认为他们的上司三个中有两个是不称职的。
- Micro-practices of strategic sensemaking and sensegiving: how middle managers interpret and sell change every day By: Rouleau, Linda. 战略“讲道理”与“给道理”的微实践:中层经理人如何阐释与推介变革
- Behind a first-class sales force look for the middle managers responsible for training, motivating, and rewarding salespeople. 一支一流的销售队伍背后一定有一支负责培训、激励和奖励销售人员的忠诚管理者队伍;
- The ABP enhances the competence of the younger generation middle managers who will lead Korea's financial institutions and businesses into tomorrow. 增强的动态血压权限的中层管理人员的年轻一代谁将导致韩国的金融机构和企业的明天。
- The Accenture survey, to be released Thursday, polled via the Internet322 middle managers, including account supervisors, associate vicepresidents and sales managers. 埃森哲此次通过网络调查了322位中层经理,包括账户监理、助理副总裁以及销售经理。
- What if the SD for Principal is 0.06 and that for the Middle Management 1.12? 假如校长的标准差(SD)是0.;06,而中管理层的是1
- My students weren't recent college grads.They were middle managers, financial analysts and marketers from state-owned enterprises and multinational companies. 我的学生不是即将毕业的大学生,他们来自于国有企业和跨国公司的中层领导者、财务分析师以及市场经理。
- Fabrice, an average middle manager, is the ultimate fan of Johnny Hallyday. 任职中层管理的法比斯可说是歌手尊尼.雅莱特的终极拥趸。
- Lion food refers to middle management or HQ staff in American companies. ““狮子的食物””指的是美国公司里的中层管理者或公司总部职员。
- These Fubon Financial modus operandi of many employees, according to foreign reports, there Fubon Financial's middle managers and even for SMEs will be "one-stop" services. 这些富邦财务员工的作案手法很多,据外电报道,有富邦财务的中层人员甚至会替中小企作“一条龙”服务。
- At present there are some bilingual teaching schools including the First Middle School of Ningxiang County, Experiment Middle School, Jinhai Middle School. 目前实行汉语与英语双语教学的有宁乡一中、实验中学、金海中学。
- The Accenture survey, to be released Thursday, polled via the Internet 322 middle managers, including account supervisors, associate vice presidents and sales managers. 埃森哲此次通过网络调查了322位中层经理,包括账户监理、助理副总裁以及销售经理。
- Even an experienced cumber will get into trouble. 哪怕是个有经验的登山者也会陷入困境。
- Many senior and middle managers aren't fluent in English.A large number of managers are expatriates.Some members of the Chinese diaspora have returned home to work. 众多中曾、高层管理人员不擅长英语,大批管理人员流失,同时还有部分移居国外的人员返回。