- Habitual or established practice; custom. 惯例习惯性的或既定的做法; 习俗
- Habitual or established practice;custom. 惯例习惯性的或既定的做法;习俗
- We have established practice for dealing with this kind of thing. 对这种事我们有约定俗成的解决办法。
- Established practices are difficult to change. 积习难改.
- Established practices are difficult to modify. 既定的惯例是很难更改的。
- Not only is this the established practice in all wars, it is particularly imperative in order to avert civil war. 这不但是一切战争的通例,尤其是为了避免内战,必须如此。
- Consensus might be developed through discussion and polls, but more often it develops through established practice. 多数人同意可能是由讨论和投票得出的,而更经常的,它是通过在实践中的习惯而得到的。
- We should practice economy even if we are rich. 即使我们富裕了也仍应该厉行节约。
- Remember what the world looked like before Unicode encodings became established practice. 还记得采用Unicode编码成为惯例之前世界是什么样吗?
- In accordance with established practice, often becoming involved in private placement of stock price manipulation of one of the important force. 按照惯例,私募常常成为参与操纵股价的重要力量之一。
- Unpaid leave is becoming more common, and not only at the cyclical manufacturing firms where it is established practice. 无薪假期变得更普及,且不仅仅是按惯例实行的具有周期性质的制造业公司。
- In line with established practice, all written submissions, except those which requested confidentiality, will be published in their entirety when the Fourth Report is issued. 我们在发表第四号报告时,也会把收到的意见书,一如以往全数公开,当事人要求保密除外。
- Announcement of over 1,000,000 US dollar‘s benefaction, In accordance with established practice, the presence of the people should be standing for acclaim. 宣布一百万美金以上的捐款数额时,按照惯例,在场的人应当起立鼓掌喝彩。
- They decided to establish a nuclear power station. 他们决定修建一所核电站。
- We should establish high standards of cleanliness. 我们应该建立高标准的卫生标准。
- Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。
- Having power to institute, establish, or enact. 有设立权的有创建、建立或制订权力的
- They can now establish outright dictatorship. 他们现在可以建立起彻头彻尾的独裁制度了。
- He is planning to establish a home. 他正计划建立家庭。
- The idea sounds good but will it work in practice? 这主意听起来不错,但在实践中行得通吗?