- Labour value theory, an important theoretical issue in Marxist political economics, is a great innovation with rich content and of epoch making significance. 劳动价值论是马克思政治经济学中一个非常重要的理论问题,在理论上是一个伟大创举,具有丰富的内容和划时代的意义。
- This enablement is not unlimited; rather, it is subject to review at the next scheduled decision making event, typically associated with another milestone in the work plan and schedule. 此种允许是不受限制的,相反地,其受到下一个安排好的决策制定事件中的审阅,与工作计划和进度中的另一个里程碑相关。
- In other words, a milestone is a duration, or time-based "marker," that may be used to schedule one of several types of periodic reviews and oversee decision making events. 换句话说,里程碑是持续时间,或是基于时间的“标记”,可用于安排许多类型的定期审阅并监视决策制定事件。
- Events are random, haphazard, and unforeseen occurrences.It is their very novelty and unexpectedness that make events noteworthy. 事件的发生总是任意、偶然和无法预料的,因其新奇性与难以预料,使得事件更有价值。
- Einstein's theory marked a new epoch in physics. 爱因斯坦理论开创了物理学的新纪元。
- Make eventful solid proof, advise other also is in actually sometimes him advise, the course that teachs others also often is the course that ego teachs. 许多事实证明,劝导他人有时实际上也在劝导自己,教育别人的过程往往也是自我教育的过程。
- The past epoch is gone, never to return. 过去的时代已经一去不复返了。
- The WithEvents statement and the Handles clause are often the best choice for event handlers because the declarative syntax they use makes event handling easier to code, read and debug. WithEvents语句和Handles子句常常是事件处理程序的最佳选择,因为它们所用的声明语法使得对事件处理的编码和调试更加容易,并使人可以更加轻松地阅读它。
- Einstein's theory marked a new epoch in history. 爱因斯坦的理论标志著历史上一个新时代的开始。
- A new upsurge in construction is in the making. 一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。
- The curtain was rung up on a new epoch in our history. 我国历史上一个新纪元的序幕揭开了。
- Einstein's theory marked a new epoch in mathematics. 爱因斯坦理论开创了数学的新纪元。
- Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots. 日本工业越来越多地使用机器人。
- Making a petit point pillow is exacting work. 做一个小花边编织枕头是一项细致活儿。
- He pushed her into making a decision. 他催促她做出决定。
- It would mark a new era; it would make an epoch. 这将标志一个新的纪元,这将创造一个新的时代。
- I see in him the making of a hero. 我看他有英雄的气质。
- The teaching method marked a now epoch in education. 这种教学方法标志着教育的新时代。
- Too much wining and dining is making him fat. 他酒宴过多而身体发胖。
- We are making a few alterations to the house. 我们对房子进行了一些改建。