"bewitching smile"
"Roosevelt was a captivating speaker"
"enchanting music"
"an enthralling book"
"antique papers of entrancing design"
"a fascinating woman"
用作形容词 (adj.)
Music is the maximum enthralling phenomenon in the globle. 音乐是全地球上最迷人的一种事物。
It was claimed Bellamy, who scored twice in the game, struck a spectator who had come onto the pitch as Manchester United recorded an enthralling victory. 翻译成中文的意思就是,正当曼联队庆祝这个迷人的胜利之时,有传闻生成这场比赛攻入两球的贝拉米攻击了一冲入场内的观众。
For nearly an hour of this enthralling Premiership clash, Wigan looked likely to become the first team to beat Arsenal at Emirates Stadium. 这场吸引人的英超比赛里,维甘领先了近一个小时并似乎可以成为第一支在酋长球场打败阿森纳的球队。