end shake的用法和样例:
- Countershaft assembly uses tapered bearings to reduce end play and extend gear life.
中间轴组合使用锥形滚柱轴承以减少轴向间隙并延长齿轮使用寿命。 - Accuracy of adjustinent of end play of a turhodrill has great influence on the pefformance and seivice life of the tur-therill.
end shake的相关资料:
end in
endotracheal open inhalation anesthesia
endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule
endothelium-dependent relaxing factor
endothelial cell monolayer permeability
Endophlebitis of cavernous venous sinus
endostatin/molecular pharmacolo-gy
end-to-end admission control system
Endoscopic guided interventional therapy
Endoscopy in treatment of dacryocystitis
endobronchial catheter with suction tube