- plastic electronic packaging component 电子模塑封器件
- electronic packaging component 电子封装组件
- Electronic manufacturing consistof semiconductor manufactruing, electronic packaging and assembling. 电子制造包括半导体制造和电子封装与组装。
- The CPC electronic packaging materials have the best integrated properties when annealed under the temperat. 研究了不同退火工艺对轧制复合CPC电子封装材料力学性能、物理性能的影响。
- Hosted by CIE-CEPS, the International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT) will celebrate her 10th anniversary this year. 由中国电子学会生产技术学分会(CEPS)主办的电子封装技术国际会议(ICEPT)将迎来第十届庆典。
- A new experimental technique on the CTE measurement of metal composite leads in electronic packaging using laser speckle interferometry was presented. 在相对简单的实验设备下,得到较高精度金属复合引线的热膨胀系数值。
- This edition also includes coverage of new topics such as nanotechnology, MEMS, electronic packaging, global climate change, electric and hybrid vehicles, and bioengineering. 这个版本还包括涵盖新课题,如纳米技术,微机电系统,电子封装,全球气候变化,电动和混合动力汽车,生物工程。
- The thermal-mechanical reliability of solder joints has been a key issue in the design of electronic devices and the reliability assessment of electronic packaging. 在电子元件的设计和电子封装的可靠性评估中焊点的热-机械可靠性是一个关键的因素。
- It describes the current situation of electronic packaging industry, analyzes the waste in its inner management, shows the detail steps of using 5S activity in the test workshop. 摘要从电子封装企业的生产现状出发,针对企业内部管理存在的问题,提出在测试车间推行"5S"管理活动的具体实施步骤。
- Finally, SCA defines a standard deployment model for packaging components into a service module. 最后,SCA定义了一个标准的部署模型,用于将组件打包到服务模块。
- Docu-Proof, a document and graphic comparator, ensures the highest accuracy of packaging components. 文献证明,文件和图形比较,以确保精度最高的包装部分。
- The communication gaps made conveying specifics and subtleties about package component orders troublesome. 通讯空白传达微妙的细节和有关包的组成部分订单麻烦。
- Biological and pharmaceutical primary packaging components, container, vial, ampoule, bottle, butyl rubber stopper, metal seal etc. 生物医药包装,容器,西林瓶,模子瓶,配件,丁基胶塞,铝盖。
- In this paper the situation and development of electronic packaging and its requirments for the encapsulate materials in high properties were introduced and a novel kind alicyclic epoxy for electronic packaging was also reviewed with13 refs. 结合电子封装的现状、子塑封材料的发展以及电子封装对塑封材料提出的高性能要求,介绍了新型脂环族环氧树脂及其作为塑封材料的应用前景,其包括耐热型液体、磷三官能团型、机硅多官能团脂环族环氧树脂。
- In this paper the situation and development of electronic packaging and its requirments for the encapsulate materials in high properties were introduced and a novel kind alicyclic epoxy for electronic packaging was also reviewed with 13 refs. 摘要结合电子封装的现状、电子塑封材料的发展以及电子封装对塑封材料提出的高性能要求,介绍了新型脂环族环氧树脂及其作为塑封材料的应用前景,其包括耐热型液体、含磷三官能团型、有机硅多官能团脂环族环氧树脂。
- The thermal analysis of MCM in the past is less likely to adopt Non-Fourier model. The analysis course and method in this paper may be used to study the Non-Fourier effect in electronic packaging for reference. 以往多芯片组件的热分析较少采用Non-Fourier导热模型进行分析,本文所采用的分析过程和方法,对电子封装中的Non-Fourier效应问题的研究提供了可借鉴的分析方法。
- Risdon supplies primary packaging components to the cosmetics industry including fragrance and cosmetics caps and closures, compacts, mascaras, lipsticks and lip gloss. 里斯登包装用品的主要成分的化妆品行业,包括香水和化妆品瓶盖和封锁,契约,睫毛液,唇膏和唇彩。
- Risdon supplies primary packaging components to the cosmetics industry including fragrance and cosmetics caps and closures, compacts, eye care products, lipsticks and lip gloss. 里斯登包装用品的主要成分的化妆品行业,包括香水和化妆品瓶盖和封锁,契约,眼部护理产品,口红和唇彩。
- The method of polypyrrole (PPy) films being synthesized on the surface of insulating epoxy molding compound (EMC) electronic packaging materials and the shielding effectiveness of PPy film were studied. 研究了将导电聚吡咯(PPy)薄膜制备在绝缘环氧模塑料(EMC)电子封装材料表面的方法,及导电PPy 薄膜的电磁屏蔽效能。