The way electrons occupy the orbitals in an atom is called the electron configuration. 在一个原子中,电子占据轨道的方式称为该原子的电子构型。
Both ionic and covalent bonds arise from the tendency of atoms to attain this stable configuration of electrons. 离子键和共价键都是由于原子要达到这个稳定电子构型而形成的。
Isotopes of the same element have the same electronic configuration. 相同元素之同位素的电子组态是一样的。
These facts show that the closed configurations of the noble gases are most difficult to disturb by removal of a electron. 这些事实表明,对惰性气体的闭合电子组态,要移去一个电子以破坏其组态是最困难的。