- duplicity theory of vision 双视觉说
- It came within my range of vision. 该物体进入了我的视野。
- The ship came within range of vision. 已经看得见那条船了。
- Our field of vision is limited by that tall building. 我们的视野受到了那座高层建筑物的限制。
- An organ of vision or of light sensitivity. 眼睛感受视觉或光觉的器官
- This paper studies special poster medium. Automobile body in the respect of vision,perceptible rate and memory act. According to operation characteristics of special purpose vehicle and theory of medium propagation. 根据专用汽车的使用特点,应用广告媒体传播的理论,从视觉、察视率、记忆等几方面对车身这一特殊的广告媒体进行探讨。
- Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦提出了相对论的新学说。
- Einstein's theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦的相对论。
- Chapter three introduced the basic key element of vision and the main theories of studying in vision aesthesia. 第三章分别介绍了视觉感知的基本要素和目前研究视觉的主要理论;
- Do you agree to the wave theory of light? 你同意光的波动理论吗?
- He cavalierly dismisses the theory of both Freud and Jung. 他傲慢武断地斥贬佛洛依德和杨格二人的理论。
- Marr's computation theory of vision 马尔视觉计算理论
- Darwin put forth the theory of evolution,. 达尔文提出了进化论。
- This course will cover basic phenomena and theories of vision and hearing from an interdisciplinary perspective that includes psychology, computer science, and neuroscience. 在于使学生从各种不同领域中,了解关于感觉与知觉方面的议题、理论内容与研究方法,尤其是视觉与听觉。
- We apologize for the temporary loss of vision. 很抱歉暂时没有影像。
- Keep finger within normal field of vision. 手指保持在正常视野范围内。
- The tiger has come within my field of vision. 那只老虎已经走进了我的视野以内。
- The couple moved outside her field of vision. 这对夫妇离开了她的视野。
- Acuteness of vision or perception;keenness. 锐利,尖锐视力或观察力的敏锐;敏捷
- Not everyone can understand Einstein's Theory of Relativity. 不是每个人都能读懂爱因斯坦的相对论的。