a large cylindrical bag of heavy cloth; for carrying personal belongings
a coarse heavy woolen fabric
用作名词 (n.)
The duffel coat looked incongruous with the black dress she wore underneath. 粗呢外套看起来与她下身穿的黑裙子很不协调。
The thick black glasses added to the dark gothic look, with her fashion forward black lace dress and warm duffel coat. 厚厚的墨镜,加上她引领潮流的黑色蕾丝裙子和温暖的粗呢外套,增添了黑暗哥特的造型感。
Beside him lay a bulging duffel bag. 旁边放着一只鼓得满满的行李袋。
"I'd rather see this than get a duffel bag full of medals," Jack said soberly. “我宁愿看这个,也不要一野营包的勋章。”杰克清醒地说。