- Some examples of data processing based on CSU CHILL S band dual polarized Doppler weather radar measurements are illustrated,and the application to meteorology is interpreted. 并以雷达测量的数据处理和分析实例说明了双偏振多普勒雷达在气象学中的应用
- The presence of the low level jet was also well captured by the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar TDWR at 6 deg scan. 该低空急流的存在亦为机场多普勒天气雷达TDWR在6度扫描时探测到。
- However, the impact of windshear on the airport had been nicely picked up by the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar TDWR. 但机场多普勒天气雷达的观测资料却揭示了当时风切变影响机场的情况。
- Terminal Doppler Weather Radar Observation of Atmospheric Flow over Complex Terrain during Tropical Cyclone Passages. 热带气旋通过期间复杂地形大气气流的终端多普勒天气雷达观测。
- The basic principle of VAD technique and its application in Doppler weather radar are described in this paper. 阐述了VAD技术的基本原理,以CINRAD-CC多普勒天气雷达为例,介绍了在多普勒天气雷达中利用VAD技术探测垂直风廓线的的具体应用。
- As the name suggests, the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar TDWR was purposely built to serve the terminal area of the airport. 机场多普勒天气雷达,顾名思义,是专为机场服务的多普勒天气雷达。
- The study of the characteristics of distribution of spectrum width of snow and rainfall is presented using the Doppler weather radar data in HUHEHAOTE and CHIFENG in this paper. 本文利用呼和浩特多普勒天气雷达和赤峰多普勒天气雷达观测资料,对降雪和降雨天气多普勒天气雷达体扫速度谱宽资料进行分析。
- Abstract: The main functions and performance parameters of the IFD Receiver for CINRAD/CB Pulsed Doppler Weather Radar are presented. 文章摘要: 介绍CINRAD/CB脉冲多普勒天气雷达数字中频接收机的主要功能和技术性能.
- The main functions and performance parameters of the IFD Receiver for CINRAD/CB Pulsed Doppler Weather Radar are presented. 介绍CINRAD/CB脉冲多普勒天气雷达数字中频接收机的主要功能和技术性能。
- The Developing Trend of Weather Radar Dual Polarized Doppler Weather Radar 新一代天气雷达
- The Doppler weather radar is the weathe radar technology of the nextgeneration,and it represents the technologiceal level and developmental direction of themost advanced weather rader. 多普勒天气雷达是我国下一代天气雷达技术体制,代表了天气雷达最先进的技术水平和发展方向。
- A severe hailstorm occurred in Shandong Province is simulated with the three-dimension convection cloud model.The simulated results are compared with the Doppler weather radar observations. 摘要利用中国气象科学研究院的三维对流云模式,对发生在山东省的一次强降雹天气过程进行了数值模拟,并将模拟结果与雷达观测资料进行了检验。
- Doppler Weather Radar is an effective instrument of surveiling the meso-scale and micro-scale disastrous weather system.Its data quality has directly influence on the precision of radar application. 多普勒天气雷达是中小尺度灾害性天气的新型监测工具,其数据质量直接影响定量气象业务应用的精度。
- TDWR Terminal Doppler Weather Radar 终端多普勒气象雷达
- Doppler weather radar at Tai Mo Shan 大帽山的多普勒天气雷达
- Terminal Doppler Weather Radar Station 机场多普勒天气雷达站
- The new generation Doppler weather radar 新一代天气雷达
- dual-polarization Doppler weather radar 双偏振多普勒天气雷达
- Dual-polarized doppler weather radar 双偏振多普勒天气雷达
- Design of X-band Bistatic Doppler Weather Radar System X波段双基站多普勒天气雷达系统设计