- I was doubled over with pain. 我痛得直不起身子。
- On her way back from the fields, she suddenly doubled over with labour pains. 从地里回来时,她突然一阵阵痛,不由得蹲了下去。
- to double over with pain 疼得直不起腰
- double over with pain 痛得弯下腰
- Her eyes clouded over with painful memories. 说起心痛的过去,她的脸色阴沉了下来。
- On her way back from the fields,she suddenly doubled over with labour pains. 从地里回来时,她突然一阵阵痛,不由得蹲了下去。
- The king's agents doubled over with laughter when they saw these gifts. 国王的左右人员,见到这些礼物都笑得直不起腰来。
- The boy was screaming with pain. 这男孩痛得尖叫起来。
- A suit of armour fell over with a loud crash. 胄甲啪的一声重重地摔在了地上。
- Her face contorted/was contorted with pain. 她的脸因疼痛而走了样。
- His eyes glazed over with boredom. 他的眼神因厌倦而变呆滞。
- The man suddenly shouted with pain. 这人突然痛得叫了起来。
- She came back bubbling over with new ideas. 她带着满脑子的新想法回来了。
- The lake was crusted over with ice. 河面上结了一层冰。
- The sick child shouted with pain. 那病童痛得叫了起来。
- Her face was contorted with pain. 她痛得脸都变了样。
- Back up in the bar, the first man doubled over with laughter as he walked back to his barstool and ordered another drink. 顶楼上的男子坐回椅子上笑得直不起腰来,而且又点了一杯酒。
- His trouble is all over with his death. 他的烦恼随着他的死结束了。
- The little boy cried out with pain when he burnt his fingers. 小男孩手指被烧着时,痛得大叫起来。
- Her eyes filmed over with tears. 她一双眼睛因泪水而模糊不清。