- A saturated uniform packing is difficult to obtain. 要获得饱和均匀的装填是困难的。
- We find these items very difficult to obtain. 我们发现这些商品非常难以买到。
- We found these item very difficult to obtain. 我们发现很难买到这些商品。
- It is difficult to obtain reliable evidence. 这很难取得可靠的凭据。
- difficult to obtain material 难于获得的材料
- Journalists often use subterfuge to obtain material for stories. 记者常靠耍花招来获得报道材料。
- Barring a few exceptions, it is difficult to obtain large amounts of material of the free nuclear endosperm of plants for routine biochemical analysis. 除了个别例外,要获得大量的植物游离胚孔材料,并用于日常的生化分析是困难的。
- It was difficult to obtain clean grains when the crop was threshed. 打谷时,很难得到干净的谷粒。
- Most go ods rose in cost and were more difficult to obtain. 大多数商品价格上涨且供应紧张。
- They plundered the timber-yard in the Rue Transnonain in order to obtain material for barricades. 人们抢劫了特兰斯诺南街上的建筑工场去建立街垒。
- It's extremely difficult to obtain, even through the most appropriate sources. 这非常难得到,就算通过最恰当的途径。
- The state shall develop social insurance, social relief and medical and health services to create conditions allowing old, ill or disabled women to obtain material assistance. 第二十七条国家发展社会保险、社会救济和医疗卫生事业,为年老、疾病或者丧失劳动能力的妇女获得物质资助创造条件。
- Measures of animal health and immunity are also difficult to obtain. 把握猪的健康与免疫指标同样是很不容易的。
- Health is most important thing for everyone. only have the healty body you are albe to gain enough energy to obtain material wealth and spiritual wealth. 还有二天就放年假了,好快啊,好像才过完的年,又来了!不知不觉已进入了孕晚期,肚皮鼓起来了,整个身体也圆圆的,同事戏称我为"熊妈妈"。
- She found it difficult to obtain even a word from her beyond a monosyllable. 小姐的心思一时还不能断定,可是先生方面显然是情意绵绵。
- It must be difficult to play various personae in the same movie. 在同一个电影中扮演不同的角色肯定不容易。
- It was difficult to tell his exact age. 很难判断他到底多大岁数。
- Analytical solutions for three dimensional elasticity problems are quite difficult to obtain. 三维弹性问题的解析解是很难得到的。
- We may burn limestone to obtain lime. 我们可以通过烧石灰石来得到石灰。
- It is difficult to express it in terms of science. 要用科学的字眼来表达它是很困难的。