- A diet high in fat may lead to obesity. 一个人的饮食含脂肪过多会导致肥胖。
- Veerendra Halagappa and Mark Mattson of the National Institute on Aging, Washington, D.C., studied how a diet high in fat and sugar affected learning and memory in mice. 美国国家抗衰老研究所的维列君哈勒格勃和马克马特森研究了食物中的高脂高糖对老鼠认知记忆能力的影响。
- Veerendra Halaga a and Mark Mattson of the National I titute on Aging, Washington, D.C., studied how a diet high in fat and sugar affected learning and memory in mice. 美国国家抗衰老研究所的维列君哈勒格勃和马克马特森研究了食物中的高脂高糖对老鼠认知记忆能力的影响。
- All three are diet-related due to diets high in fat and too low in fruits and vegetables. 三是饮食有关,由于饮食高脂肪、低水果和蔬菜。
- Ice cream is high in fat and sugar. 冰激淋的脂肪和糖分含量很高。
- "Risk factors include age (after age 50), family history of colorectal cancer, chronic inflammatory Bowel diseases, Benign polyps, physical inactivity, and a diet high in fat." 罹患本病的原因有:年龄(五十岁以上)、有结肠直肠的家族病史、慢性炎性肠
- Ostrich meat is low in fat and high in protein and iron. 鸵鸟肉脂肪含量低而蛋白质和铁含量高。
- diet high in fat 高脂膳食
- Those most at risk were women whose diet was high in fat, older women, and women with a family history of the disease. 多吃脂肪、年老和家族有人患乳癌历史的女性较易患上乳癌。
- A recent study found that insulin-resistant adults who ate a diet high in monos had less belly fat than people who ate more carbohydrates or saturated fat. 一份最近的研究发现:在有胰岛素抗性的成人里,饮食里含有高水平的不饱和脂肪酸的人,比饮食里含有更多的碳水化合物或饱和脂肪的人的腹部脂肪更少。
- A diet high in onions may reduce the risk of prostate cancer 50 percent. 饮食中高含量的洋葱可能使前列腺癌风险降低50%25。
- People are staying away from foods that are high in fat,sodium and cholesterol. 人们不吃那些富含脂肪、钠和胆固醇的食物。
- Blame was placed on a sedentary lifestyle and foods high in fat and sugar. 导致肥胖的罪魁祸首为久坐的生活方式以及富含脂肪和糖的食物。
- Robert Atkins, who recommends eating a diet high in protein for those who want to lose weight and keep it off. 阿特金斯提出高蛋白的饮食结构有助于减肥和保持体型。
- Constipation can be prevented by maintenance of a high fluid intake and a diet high in bulk and roughage. 便秘可以通过饮食纤维含量高的食物或粗粮得以预防。
- Chicken thighs: They are higher in fat and calories than breasts, but as long as you remove the skin and any excess fat, economical thighs fit into a good-for-you diet. 鸡大腿:它们比鸡胸的脂肪和卡路里更高,但只要你去皮和消除任何多余的脂肪,经济型鸡大腿是对你很好的饮食。
- Eat: They should concentrate on a diet high in protein, fresh fruits and vegetables & whole-grain breads. 吃:天蝎座的饮食里最好有高蛋白,新鲜的水果,蔬菜和面包。
- They should concentrate on a diet high in protein, fresh fruits and vegetables &whole-grain breads. 天蝎座的饮食里最好有高蛋白,新鲜的水果,蔬菜和面包。
- Hot pickle is her favourite. This food is high in protein, low in fat, and suitable to players. 她喜欢辣泡菜。这种食品高蛋白,低脂肪,适合运动员。
- That's why many experts now believe that a diet high in bad carbs actually increases the craving for food in people who are obese. 因此现在很多专家认为饮用过多的非健康碳水化合物反而会使那些已经肥胖的人食欲大增。