Persons of a light and desultory temper, that skip about, and are blown with every wind, as Grasshoppers are.
出自: R. Bentley
I shot at it but it was so desultory that I missed my aim.
出自: G. White
He found desultory employment as a soda-jerker, or as a delivery boy.
出自: T. C. Wolfe
The rest of the short afternoon..had been lost to..napping, reading, and desultory chatter about the children, the new position that was in the offing, the utopia that was possible after that.
出自: I. Wallace
The search out west, desultory as it was compared with the scouring of the Blue Mountains.
出自: R. Travers
He pushed the tagliatelli around his plate in a desultory way, indifferent to the gaieties of the Piazza Navona.