- Interest Rate Swap A deal between banks or companies where borrowers switch floating-rate loans for fixed rate loans in another country. These can be either the same or different currencies. 利率掉期多家银行或公司之间的交易,借贷人将浮息贷款转换为另一个国家的定息贷款,两项贷款可以是同一货币或不同的货币。
- Direct dealing between banks requires a code of conduct, which is formulated by the authorities with banks active participation, and this code should be one that promotes healthy competition. 银行之间的直接交易需要有一个在银行的积极参与下由官方制定的行为准则,这种行为准则应该有助于促进健康的竞争。
- But a deal between AOL and Yahoo! 但是一项在AOL和雅虎之间达成的协议,。
- We trust that your first order will lead to further dealings between us. 我们相信贵公司初次的订单将使贵我双方往后有更多的交易。
- Ve been trying to figure out the deal between you two all night. 我一直在想你们俩的关系。
- The proceeds of a sale of LaSalle to Bank of America Corp. were set to be used to help finance a deal between ABN Amro and Barclays. 随后荷银发表声明表示,它将仔细审察判决的执行情况。
- What's the relationship between Bank of China Limited and the former BOC? 中国银行股份有限公司和中国银行的关系?
- In Beit Sahour, dealings between Christians and Muslims have usually been amicable. 在拜特萨霍,基督徒与穆斯林之间的交往向来和睦。
- The term "agency" imports commercial or contractual dealings between two parties through the medium of another. 代理是双方当事人通过一方为中介引入商业上或合同上的交易。
- The term “agency” imports commercial or contractual dealings between two parties through the medium of another. 代理是指双方当事人通过一方为中介进行商业或合同上的交易。
- It was his job to guide ships up the river, between banks of sand, into the port of Preston. 他的工作是引航船只沿两边,沙岸的河流向上进入普雷斯顿(preston)港。
- The big question is how regulators will react to the deal between the firms. 现在的大问题是,监管机构将对两家公司的协议作何反应。
- Next week, the Federal Reserve in Washington is expected to cut its target rate for short-term loans between banks. 下周位于华盛顿的美国联邦储备局有望在银行间削减短期贷款的目标利率。
- Investigations are looking at questionable dealings between colleges and lenders. (新闻)调查正关注存在于学校和放贷人间交易的可疑性。
- This has whittled down the margin between banks' deposit and home-loan rates, so lowering the cost of mortgages. 由于银行存款利率和房屋贷款利率之间的差额减小了,抵押贷款的成本也降低了。
- You have to do triage between banks that are illiquid and undercapitalized but solvent and those that are insolvent. 这必须要去区分哪些银行虽然无流动资金且投资不足却有能力偿还,哪些银行是资不抵债的。
- I grew convinced that truth, sincerity, and integrity in dealings between man and man were of the utmost importance to the efficiency of life. 我越来越相信,人与人的交往中,实在、诚挚和正直是生活幸福的最重要的东西。
- But perhaps instead it is time to ask whether the dichotomy between banks and markets might be false. 不过,与之相反,现在或许正是我们反思银行和市场两分法是否正确的时机。
- It is Mr Amari's ministry, for example, rather than an independent agency, that oversees dealings between wholesalers and regional firms. 比如,是甘利先生的部门而不是一个独立机构,在监督着批发商与地区公司的交易。
- This is a Bank Securities Transfer System. Can be achieved between banks and securities firms transfer. 这是一个银行证券转帐系统。可以实现银行和证券公司之间的转帐。